General Discussion

General DiscussionTinfoil hat story

Tinfoil hat story in General Discussion
ez Art

    Look at your profile what do you see? Winning streaks and losing streaks. You look at the players who played with you. The same. Winning streakers beating Losing streakers or Winning streakers losing their streak to Losing streakers breaking their Losing streak.

    You are on this circle too.

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Horey shiet


        big if true


          shit that was deep

          Riguma Borusu

            confirmation bias
            attribution error
            begging the question

            it is more likely to have winning and losing streaks than it is to have a single win, then a single loss, this is basic probability 101

            don't learn your math while high, you might start imagining things

            chicken spook,,,,



                Everyone has win rate of 40-60% range so its no surprise


                  really makes you think :thinking:


                    You can break our pretty easy. Once you win you make sure to loose next, so you never have winning streak. Problem solved.


                      There could be some correlation behind streaks. Meaning performance of previous games affect performance in future games. So they are not totally independent. That said, in the Long term "trends" tend to exist that are usually(more often than not) random noise.

                      You are no different from the people in casino recording patterns to inform their next bets - these are well documented cases of gamblers fallacy


                        68% winrate master race disagrees.....only win streaks and unfortunate events