General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat happened to blunt?

What happened to blunt? in General Discussion

    I recall he has always been made fun of questioning his mmr. I always respected him as a strong meepo spammer. He disappeared for a number of months and he has returned the past few weeks, he seems insane toxic compared to his past self. Some crazy life event happen? Let's get to the bottom of this.


      nah, this is nothing new

      he goes trough phases

      Computer part phase> toxic phase> normal phase> computer part phase...


        He isn't a strong meepo spammer
        I'm pretty sure there was evidence he was boosted
        He just plays meepo, but there r a lot of people here who can meepo
        And he has always been toxic


          He claimed to be 6k until i exposed him that hes flat 5000 aka 4k player. If he loses 1 game he loses his star so he only plays party.

          Giff me Wingman

            You didn't expose shit, u're trashcan.

            1st class tourist

              Calling hanter a trashcan is a compliment to him

              Rename urself to 3kStruggler hantard lmao@@


                i always respected cookie as a good coach, thanks man

                Giff me Wingman

                  And with that statement you lost all respect


                    ahahah blunt crazy he revealing himself


                      idk how is that a secret, his mmr is on his opendota


                        yea he has 5k mmr flat


                          Ranked retirees :thinking:

                          meteor hammer

                            ur 1 u nerd


                              i'll gut myself if i don't reach 6k in the easiest patch to get it


                                Excuse me sir I am on a "Ranked Matchmaking Hiatus of Finite Duration".
                                Not some kind of trash ranked retiree like some people.


                                  19 games together ... tell us ur experience blunt/Cookie

                                  'im gonna set another fight up'

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    "Mein Name ist Robert 'Blunt' G. Ich bin 22 Jahre alt. ich versuche immer meine Videos etwas anders zu machen als andere, da ich von Natur aus ein spaßiger Mensch bin, versuche ich die meisten Videos humorvoll zu gestalten. Ich hoffe euch gefällt mein Kanal!"


                                      He probably suffers from deep anxiety problems or has some mental mental disorder. I refuse to believe that any normal and mentally stable person would act like him.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        ^can you find match id of you vs blunt and post it here?

                                        meteor hammer

                                          Excuse me sir I am on a "Ranked Matchmaking Hiatus of Finite Duration".
                                          Not some kind of trash ranked retiree like some people.

                                          cant wait to hit 6k again so i can tell that guy in fpl that i got it by watching anime or whatever the fuck he was saying xd

                                          also so ryryk can call me low skill and then be lower mmr than me T R A S H C A N



                                            Match id


                                              It's funny how some people care about some random pubers. Does it really matter if he is 6k/5k or just 1k? It's just a video game.

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                nobody pours 5k+ hours in "just a video game"


                                                  excellent, excellent stuff guys