General Discussion

General DiscussionCan Somebody Review my match as i can improve my game as support player

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Can Somebody Review my match as i can improve my game as support player in General Discussion


    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      Secondary account I bet


        @howtonoob6 yes sir my main is 2800 but after i realize im not a good carry player so i switch role to support...


          hmm as the current meta requires good supports..


            You're doing fine.


              My advise is that, dont pull at start of the game, stack both camps then pull whenever the creepwaves meet near the river.
              Also at start of the game,(usually pos 4 does this)
              Get 2 obs(sents is optional) use smoke, tp to mid, plant ward then run to offlane and plant the ward.
              On some pos 4 heroes like nyx, kunkka, slard, clock, it is ideal to start with boots and tango, either ward or 1 sod and tp.
              Also either as pos 4 or 5, always remember to have a tp scroll ready to countergank, sometimes its easier to gank when u use tp.
              When you have to roam to other lanes, make sure to ward your safe lane to protect your carry.
              Item choices varies, build urn regardless of hero if no one else is going to build it. Magic stick is good, casual buckler/medallion of courage on lich/bane, glimmer is good, always get force staff to save your carries.
              NEVER ever forget to bring a ward whenever you smoke gank.
              If playing as nyx/clock, it is ideal to target supps.
              Dont forget to use urn on enemy, prioritize those with blink dagger.
              Sometimes you can buy quell as earthshaker, slard, ns do you could jungle for a while.


                You should know that tranquil is better for jakiro, it can help you farm the jungle and its cheaper meaning you could get faster euls, or fs. Jakiro does not have mana problems at all.

                Story Time

                  @howtonoob6 yes sir my main is 2800 but after i realize im not a good carry player so i switch role to support...

                  why do you think that suporting is easier than carrying?


                    cuz in the 2k world, supports buy wards and stay afk while carries farm and afk in woods
                    Makes sense I guess(takes more time and effort to last-hit omegaLUL)


                      @Story Time cause if i play carry i dont have a clue how to end the game... and not good at last hitting
                      @Soul of Cinder thanks alot sir


                        @Soul of Cinder sir i just wanna ask some tips how we play as support farm if all our core conquer our jungle?


                          Wow u suck horse dick man worst support ever.


                            @h haha thas why i ask people guide sir, so i dont suck anymore or suck a bit haha