General Discussion

General DiscussionEARTHSHAKER 7.07?

EARTHSHAKER 7.07? in General Discussion


    Echo Slam initial damage removed
    Echo Slam Echo Damage increased from 40/55/70 to 60/85/110
    Echo Slam bounces twice off of non-illusion heroes

    Level 10: +250 Mana OR +30 Damage
    Level 15: +7 armor OR +30 Movement Speed
    Level 20: +50 Echo Damage OR +400 Fissure Range
    Level 25: -2s Enchant Totem Cooldown OR +50% Magic Resistance


    Does this patch nerf ES echo slam? or they just renew it and make it stronger than it could be? Removing initial damage while increasing the output and it could bounce twice on non-illusion heroes.

    Riguma Borusu

      it is definitely buffed unless you solo echo someone

      if there are three heroes the damage is still greater because echo dmg is greater

      if you solo echo someone you basically deal aftershock damage

      in all other cases echo is just stronger than before, a lot of creeps and heroes in an echo makes for a stronger echo than ever before, but the fewer things there are (less than 3 heroes and a few creeps) the old one was better.

      Oh and one more thing, since the initial damage no longer straight out kills units (since there is no initial damage), there will be more units to echo off, since even 50 hp units will echo as they wont die from the impact (unless the aftershock kills them, I am not sure actually)

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        I think the idea is to focus on earthshakers original role of an initiator and teamfight oriented hero, rather than the shadowblade single target shitbuild I see so many people fail. God I'm tired of "ES carry safelane bye bye victory post 25 min".

        His damage output will be nearly doubled in a 5-man ulti. It will be devastating, and perhaps even more so now with the refresher from roshan.

        Riguma Borusu

          5 man lvl 3 ult =

          every hero receives 2x5 bounces = 2x5x110 = 1100 damage

          5 man lvl 3 ult (old) =

          every hero receives 270 + 5x70 = 620


            He could solo quite a few heroes with hitting only a few creeps, I think this change was needed.

            Riguma Borusu

              oh wait, I forgot to check out whether the echos hit the original unit they are supposed to echo off now

              if not my calculations are incorrect and it is 880 damage instead of 1100 and 550 instead of 620

              but yeah right now you depend on actual echo to kill people, you no longer use it as an instant 200+ damage nuke

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                What about a 1 guy ran with low HP then you decide to echo it and suit on range? does the damage only in aftershock? yeah too bad

                @Master Bait, ES is not/never a fight Initiator he's just the guy who jump when people are busy attacking to each other and forgot they sticking ! BOOM! echoed

                Story Time

                  poor lancer and his illusions
                  Also use combo with wywern to get enemies in one juicy stack before echo

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    not gonna lie but echo slam is a really poorly explained ability, i have no fucking idea who echoes and how much and who takes the echoes


                      Each unit in the aoe spawns an echo (heroes spawn 2, illusions spawn 1, not sure about meepo clones, tempest double and creep heroes)
                      The echo does not damage the unit it spawns from but damages every other hero it hits. So if echo slam is used on 3 creeps, each creep spawns 1 echo and is hit by the other 2 echoes.
                      With 3 heroes, each hero makes 2 echoes and takes damage from 4 echoes (2 for each other hero).
                      5 man echo now means each person is hit by 8 echos = 880 damage each (not considering creeps in the aoe, magic resistance of aftershock damage)

                      Single man echo is still occasionally worth it because you still get the instant stun with aftershock, even if echo itself does no damage.


                        I Played him imo he's too weak as of the moment, but 5 man echo is a pipe dream in pubs 😂

                        That Soloingasm ES is dead, gonna cry.


                          Still strong and versitile. New soul ring gives strength = Base dmg = Totem dmg

                          He will never before bad unless they reduce the stun duration on at least 2 abilities


                            More heroes more dmg than ever
                            1,2 heroes wont deal alot