General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy 2k feels easier than 1k?

Why 2k feels easier than 1k? in General Discussion
Friendly player

    title.? Maybe people don't expect me to roam with riki? What's the reason?


      More stable game... In sub 2k games you get team mates that either have a decent conecpt of how the game works or people who are completely useless. There are less of these completely useless people the higher you get, so you get a more predictable game that looks more and more like a Dota game should, so it feels more easier. Also, there are more players in 2k than sub 2k, so you run into the useless people less often.

      Riguma Borusu

        people are more likely to react to pings and you coming to gank the lane than in 1k where people are going to afk under their tower even if you come prepared to kill

        that being said the situation with this just gets better the higher you go but so do the enemy support rotations so you should be careful


          roaming is dota on easy mode also at 3k

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Riki is the scrub destroyer

            Screw the rules im Seto K...

              typical K thread

              Friendly player

                Yep bh and riki roaming are amazing and it 100% wins the early mid game for me with exceptions if my mid or carry is doing nothing


                  You boosting now bruh? Wellplayed!


                    now invis feel like buffed because of support got nerfed (ok 200 cour 80 obs ward, mybe sentry later)

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                    69 god

                      You get a warding support. At least he'll ward a bit. Next, you got teammates with better sense. Your carries will know how to last hit(unlike 1k). They won't be going a bf on jugg. Higher game sense. More likely to not "try" heroes in ranked matches. No dual mids(lul). Usually at 1k they cry for mid lane , fight for it till level 6. 2k is heaven mate,compared to 1k obviously. Else cancer.


                        there are no difference between 1k 2k 3k

                        Friendly player

                          The juggernaut bf one is wrong, most juggernauts in my games go for bf and get it in 20-30min