General Discussion

General DiscussionWinrates should probably filter out turbo mode

Winrates should probably filter out turbo mode in General Discussion

    I feel like site stats in general should filter it out if they want to stay accurate


      Hero aggregate statistics, hero rankings, etc. do NOT include turbo mode.

      Your personal stats do include turbo - we're making some adjustments to the areas where Turbo stats are considered today.


        after play in turbo mode: for example - in my main page 2017 death prophet games.

        but in 100 dotabuff only 2016 games.

        what is real amount? this is probably a bug.


          So the trends page is without turbo?
          This patch is nuts if so




              IMO Win rate shouldn't be affected by turbo mode


                why do custom unranked games like Ability Draft and Turbo affect winrate? they're not like that in dota

                зачем я начал поиск

                  Sorry for my last post here, didn't read thoroughly, my bad, Mr. Admin.
                  Don't count turbo for winrates, please.


                    more to come


                      Will hero winrate page contains options to show only turbo mode? I believe that hero winrate will be different from regular games.


                        To clarify, here's the way things are currently working:

                        - Turbo matches are now treated similarly to other game modes that aren't necessarily well balanced.
                        - Your Turbo matches will appear on your profile, but won't count toward your primary W-L or hero stats, records, etc.
                        - We've added a "Turbo" game mode scenario to the Player profile Scenarios tab.
                        - You can also filter your stats by the "Turbo" game mode.
                        - If it proves sufficiently popular, we may add Turbo-specific features in the future.

                        A reminder, Turbo mode matches do NOT (and have never) been included in any of the following:

                        - Hero or Item balance statistics on hero pages, hero meta page, hero trends, item pages, etc.
                        - Hero Rankings
                        - Hero Guides
