General Discussion

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dont be thrilled by this ...

    so far i tested nullifier on riki and ursa, its good on ursa but not necessary for riki unless you are vs heroes that need to be dispelled or silenced like wr, so i suggest nullifier on fast attacking heroes with un reliable stun to secure kill like ursa, troll, wr ... (fast attacking heroes)

    we all know kaya is good for int magic based heroes and i saw it works well on zeus, tinker . sky, lina(support), ...

    made aeon disk on axe, it was a big failure. hadnt read the prescription carefully and disregarded that it makes you DEAL 0 DMG during activation. and itll activate after dropping under 80%, i thought itll active after dropping 80% (remaining 20%) :D

    so far i guess aeon is good vs lc only .

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      The Bigger Urn thing heals fast as fuck I don't understand why


        Hammer: a item for fast push, any hero can build it for a stronger push in your team. It offers good attributes for any hero (hp pool and mana pool). The problem is, it is not a must build for any hero as it has no synergy with anything.

        Spirit Vessel: Just like dotabuff blog said, urn is already a must have item for every team, this is just a better one. Eventually you will build into it if you already have a urn. Both healing and damaging effect got amplified. Especially the healing effect because it is mostly mid or late game when this item is build, one charge can mostly heal your teammate for full, which is so good during a siege. The reduced healing effect will be good versus certain hero. Best item introduced in my opinion.

        Nullifer: didn't build this item yet, it feels like a very bad item. Money wise, Radiance is just so much rewarding than this. The effect is also kinda weird, as for 1000 more (and also easier to build into) you got a scythe, which in every term beats this item. I guess there were non int hero who used to build scythe, now has a choice (such as ursa you talked about )

        Kaya: A very decent item for magic damage caster. It reduces mana cost and increase damage, adding mana pool. A lot hero that used to build lens now will switch to this. Nothing quite unique tho.


          I got Aeon Disk on Undying. Actually works quite nicely with him because it mostly guarantees you get Tombstone out every fight even if you are initiated on. The 0 outgoing damage doesn't matter since your zombies still do damage and slow and you still steal strength (losing the tiny nuke on decay is fine) and you can still heal and amp damage.
          Although people did catch on during the game and twice I got euled the moment the disk triggered and then chain stunned to death. But still I was happy with the decision and it served its function.