General Discussion

General DiscussionAxe Jungler of HELL

Axe Jungler of HELL in General Discussion

    So my fucking jungler axe comes and takes my 2 first waves by going infront and tanking and killing the waves,while me and my support leach the exp,then he leaves to the jungle with 300 gold in the bank.Anyone had this in his games ? DAFUQ


      Unreal,fucking cancer junglers.

      Riguma Borusu

        valve tried to remove junglers from the game

        they just made them way more obnoxious rofl

        Riguma Borusu

          now make a youtube video as a guide on how to jungle axe

          use footage from that replay

          casual gamer

            Playing axe in low mmr and creep cutting your midlaner :thinking:


              he is playing 1v9 so its super value

              allies cant feed gold to enemies if they have no gold smart

              jungle 7.07? steal lane farm at start



                but u won. we should all do that.


                  Creep cutting as axe is asking to get murdered this patch


           now he is in low prio,Feels Good.