General Discussion

General DiscussionDream day for dota 2 ?

Dream day for dota 2 ? in General Discussion

    Mine:Raining outside,being home alone,some food and drinks,playing/watching dota2 all day.


      Dead forum btw.


        xD, playing in a 5-stack with friends is my dream day in dota but sadly it seldom happens D':


          Lately i do that 3 days per week since dota is great again.


            When I open DotA, then turn it back off immediately.

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              When ping is 0 ms and FPS is 120


                getting a rampage with invoker
                alas my dream will never come true

                Potato Marshal

                  My ideal Dota day would be up suddenly the new seasonal mmr change calibrates me to 6k mmr which is also the minimum required for the best medal. Then I start a match right after hearing on the news that Duterte has banned pinoys from playing Dota after flaying a bunch of kids who ruin matches, along with the guy going midas into bm on lc in one of my recent matches. Then a bunch of hot anime girls, with at least one of them an elf girl and one cat girl will come suck my dick and feed me popcorn chicken while I play a match of Dota where somebody else buys the courier and wards and I go solo offlane Lich against a retarded tri-lane that all dies to my chain frost while they're all still level 3. Then the Dotabuff mods happen to watch the match and become so impressed that they give me a good star instead of a blue star and reward me with free Dota Plus for life. I end the day with a 20 win streak and they announce Dark Souls 4 which will come out the same day as Japan and this time, a bunch of nobody streamers won't get the game a month ahead of time like with DaS 3. But I get the game early due to Miyazaki being impressed by my sweet Dota skills and that he was on my team the last Dota match and he wanted to thank me for carrying him. I proceed to play more video games got the rest of the day and have more sex with anime girls. Oh yeah, and the matchmaking's also really fast that day too.


                    ^pervert, ds3 is for kids, anime is for newborns, dota is LoL 2