General Discussion

General DiscussionMireska mid

Mireska mid in General Discussion
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    OK, so I saw that article regarding Dark Willow, it concludes that she's a dogshit midlane, because yada-yada-yada.

    However, I fail to understand, how she's a weak mid hero and how she's different to Puck, except being on roids?
    If she gets early EXP advantage/Blink/Euls/Veil/Kaya, she shitstomps the map, as far as my experience goes and is basically a better Puck.

    Am I fucking retarded?

    Can someone 6k+ elaborate, please?

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    Riguma Borusu

      Am I fucking retarded?

      You aren't, but 2k mods who write articles are.

      Can someone 6k+ elaborate, please?

      I am no 6k, but the guide section shows her winning a lot as a farming offlane, as well as a mid. She's a decent mid/offlane, though she can also roam/support.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        Willow mid is just a fucking beast
        Her lane is wonderfull with all the control she has
        Plus the ability to put the ennemy at half HP in one hit to force him to expand on regen
        Her damage is great in early, in the mid game and she becomes a 3 star carry when 4-5-6 slotted towards auto attack at lv 25

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
        one syllable anglo-saxon

          article author is a moron

          The DarKNovA

            I kinda came to the conclusion that she can work as a core, and mid is perfect lane for that.


              She isn't different that much from lets say a puck yeah. But the thing is that in example in pro games puck is mostly played in offlane position and not in mid. even in my pubs, if somebody picks a puck mid i know already that we need some supercarry pos 1 because the hero does not carry the team well.

              And no she isn't a better puck ebcause she doesn't have an actual low-cooldown flashfarm ability, nor high mobility.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                what makes you think that dotabuff articles are anyhow relevant


                  She doesn't have a flash farm ability but a very good attack speed
                  Phase boots and lv 10 talent and you're ggod to farm really fast

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    actually no the hero farms really slowly especially now that her ultis cd has been increased
                    pretty sure midas is absolutely mandatory on the hero especially since u will be aiming for 25 anyway

                    The DarKNovA

                      Yeah, that's the biggest problem with her aiming to be a core now that Bedlam can't be spammed every creepwave anymore.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        thats why you buy a meteor hammer

                        lol jk dont buy that piece of shit


                          U used to be able to take large camp stacks with bedlam


                            still waiting for some 6k+ player to give an insight for this hero

                            Riguma Borusu

                              just watch a 6k+ streamer play it

                              its mostly mid or offlane


                                I think she's a great fighter and a powerhouse whenever she can find picks and catch for the team. But it always feel like whenever she falls behind (if that EVER happens) she can't farm fast enough to catch up to the opposite mid laner that would be OD/Invoker/TA picks.

                                Despite the nerfs though, she's still an absolutely amazing hero and can be really hard to deal with. I usually just ban her and Timbersaw in the game haha


                                  ye she can be mid and completely destroy but idk


                                    Yeah,she need farm to get useful.Just buy meteor hammer as 1st item on her,and she can kill everyone


                                      Never played her, but already faces her in several games where she took mid. Yea, she totally dominate mid early game. But mid-later, I dont know, her utility and damage is still respectable, but she is very easy to kill. My point is, she is maybe good in mid, but put her as support/roamer and help multiple lanes to win is far better.


                                        Skim please mute this meteor hammer dude for pure autism ty

                                        casual gamer

                                          shes barely nerfed at all, still insane hero with a retarded amount of control and damage

                                          i played a low skiill game where i was pos 4 willow, and i ended up with top damage and second highest net worth

                                          its so easy to kite people and do a ridiculous amount of damage if u stagger ur CC and ur w, and they cant punish ur ult unless they have huge aoe stuns


                                            She reminds me a lot of sky, sometimes you can go mid and snowball like crazy but if you lose lane you are very squishy and you have no flash farm mechanism to catchup. Probably better as a pos 4/5 because you do all the same stuff without taking a core role.

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                            casual gamer

                                              unlike sky she has W and a shitton of CC so she's really good at kiting people around even if they are far ahead

                                              I still think she is a better support than mid though