General Discussion

General DiscussionBeastmaster after 7.07

Beastmaster after 7.07 in General Discussion

    I want to add a few more heroes to my offlane (Don't wanna play underlord every game :p).

    I played Beastmaster a lot back in the day (dota 1 pre-6.7) when BM mid was still a thing. I haven't played him in a long time.

    Reviewing some of the BM guides and recent high MMR games, it seems like people are in general mixed between maxing axes, maxing animals, or a mix of the two (while throwing in a level in the passive).

    I know 7.07 buffed axes (7 sec cd, extra damage 10 seconds after hit by axes). Call of the wild also got a big buff by summoning an extra creep at level 4 (which can stun or slow).

    Since the extra creep is a pretty big advantage, I'm thinking maxing Call of the wild first before Axes is probably the way to go. I'd probably leave the passive till these are maxed first.

    Next, while BM offlane is viable, it's not optimal because other options are strong (e.g. Centaur, Void, etc). How do you decide which offlane to pick? What are some variables you consider in your offlane pick?


    1. Should you max axes or the summoning?
    2. Can you think of a situation where you'd pick BM specifically, over other options like Axe, Void, Sand King, Centaur, etc?


      I’m eating pizza for lunch


        Don't get your keyboard all greasy.


          What are you having for lunch?


            I had a kale salad. it was wild.

            зачем я начал поиск

              1. Max summons. You solo kill lots of safelaners with maxed W and medalion.
              2. Always, because all of the heroes you've mentioned feel like either weak or boring trash to me.

              Almost always I'd go W-Q-Q-W-W-R-W-E-Q-T-Q-... or Q-W-Q-W-W-R-W-E-Q-T-Q-...
              Leaving passive unskilled at all until you max Axes is retarded, especially considering that one value point in it gives you more than skilling it any further would in incremental terms (15 AS for the first point skilled vs 10 for every next point).
              That 15 AS aura, given you have maxed out summons and rush Necrobook gives you way more, than that 3rd point in Axes at level 8.

              You take two points in Axes, because lvl 1 they're too weak to spam. At lvl 2 Axes you can spam them to harrass/cs.
              Sometimes you take first level point in Q, e.g. if you're laning vs CM (she will perpetually kill your boar).

              So 2-4-0-1 by 7, followed by value point in E and then maxing out Axes.

              Also bind Hawk, Necro Archer and summoned creep to 3 different buttons to use them fast, when you focus someone.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                garbage unless ur running some fast push strat
                I'd say u always have better alternatives for offlane apart from the case above ^

                зачем я начал поиск

                  Beast's power isn't in pushing, but in the DPS boost he gives by passive presence, ability to solo kill almost any hero and in the vision advantage.

                  He can fill deathball and pick-off strats very well.
                  You don't split push NP-style as him, neither do you feel any urgency to finish the game fast.

                  1. You stay in lane. Depending on the situation, you either play hyper-aggressive or carefully. Farm up your Medalion+Necrobook, preferably a kill. Preferably take T1.

                  2. Take smoke and go whereever you feel like going, secure a kill => push a lane/farm jungle => smoke+kill => farm => etc.
                  Decide who you're going to focus-kill in every teamfight. Designate kill/initiation priorities.

                  3. If you enemy is losing and hides in their jungle, scout with hawk, use smoke with teammates and kill.

                  4. If you're losing, outpush lanes with summons, farm jungle and attempt to secure pick-offs.

                  5. Repeat, until you win/you lose.

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    ^ You have a point. I haven't played him for a long time. Yes, aura and vision are good. Yet, it feels like other offlaners can do much more than him.
                    Also, a hawk is visible now and it sucks. I suppose, beastmaster has fallen off hard since items like lotus orb were introduced. There are so many ways to save smb from single-target burst now, it's ridiculous. I'd consider him viable if his ult was undispellable.

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      You move hawk along highground/trees.
                      Dispels are a pain in the ass. You're spot on with that.
                      You mostly try to jump and kill fast to render them less efficient, that's why I adviced binding different summons to different buttons.

                      You go like blink-roar-medalion-axes-necro-hellbear smash/satyr shockwave (whichever you have)-troll net (if you have)-archer purge.
                      The faster you do this, the least likely you are to get countered. Since 7.07 you deal ridiculous focus damage, thus you can kill a target before anyone can react.

                      Literally melt an important support in 1-2 seconds.

                      If you do this during a fight in 90% of the cases, even if there's a lotus, it may be used too late to save the focused target, you hit too fast and too hard.

                      Wyvern is the only real counter.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        Bm is way stronger rn than he was before cuz of that extra creep

                        His winrate is above 50% which was unheard of for him before

                        Otherwise @versatile player covered it

                        What's the item build tho, just going straight necrobook feels weak and dumb


                          BM is quite versatile in terms of items
                          U can go shadow blade/blink, solar crest, vlads, scepter, u can even go ac if the game is long and it fits
                          Necrobook is not a necessity

                          зачем я начал поиск

                            BM is way stronger due to ulti MS increase and Q damage amplification bonus foremost. You take less time to start dealing damage after roaring someone, even if you don't have blink due to that MS, which summons and BM now have after roar. 24% damage amp is huge as fuck, if you test it in lobby.

                            You didn't have neither prior to 7.07.

                            Medalion into Necrobook gives you a power spike and farm speed. You buy that Necrobook so that it can multiply its cost by giving you kills and towers.

                            Necrobook on BM is almost a must, since it synergizes with 2 of your abilities: Q and E.
                            They have 24% more damage, assuming you hit both lvl 4 axes and bonus AS from inner beast. They hit really fucking hard, harder than on any other hero in the game. They enable you to get solo kills easily. You can use them to farm fast, if there's nothing happening.

                            Besides, archer purge is one of the few purges there are now in the game.

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              Very good input. Thanks 4k and VP.


                                i know necro is core, but i was always wondering if u shud get smth like medallion or drums first or whatnot
                                ive even seen hotd before
                                thanks for the advice btw

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  Early dominator is also good if u r fine with microing a siege unit. It has a good synergy with BM's aura and gives u early survivability so u can skip tranq boots.

                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                    You get medalion after brown boots, so you can be aggressive in lane.
                                    It amplifies your right-clicks, axes and summons, while also making you tankier and gives mana regen, so you can spam axes.
                                    Drums are not worth it. Soul ring is also not worth it.
                                    Dominator may sound good in theory, but you're better off with medallion into necros, it gives less than a medalion does to Beast.

                                    In the early game you need:
                                    -manaregen to spam axes, you don't really need manapool though, as your cast costs are low (medalion check)
                                    -armor to buff you up in lane, increase suvivability (medalion check)
                                    -armor reduction to amplify axes and boar would be nice (medalion check)
                                    -preferably upgrade path available (medalion check)

                                    Brown boots into medalion, optionally wand and straight Necrobook.

                                    Dominator gives you 0 survivability, no mana regen, not even health regen. That +2 all stats and +10 AS is a joke compared to armor and manaregen of early medalion purchase.

                                    Drums are only worth it, if you're planning to push alot, so they could return their price fast, since otherwise it delays your Necros unreasonably.

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      Domi gives regen

                                      casual gamer

                                        beastmaster = gank -> push

                                        hawk aoe vision lets u set up kills and rosh/push safely, roar and dmg amp lets you pick people very easily

                                        all the aura creeps let u kill and push much easier, in early game shit like hadoken creep with axe amp is actually a lot of damage, centaur makes roar 2s longer etc

                                        necro is buffed to give a shitton of regen too

                                        id say 4 in w first, the creep is a huge power spike


                                          ok i practiced one game bm. too micro intensive with the extra creep.

                                          imma stick to my braindead ul axes :p

                                          casual gamer

                                            u put it in the same group as boar and use tab ez ez ez ez pz pz pz

                                            another group if ur an ADVANCED gamer, or if its a wolf creep click it on ur hero


                                              Micro is so fucking hard I don't get it
                                              It's literally impossible for me to play those heroes without selecting every unit and clicking the enemy


                                                I feel like Beastmaster's aura is so trash and has such a minimal impact on the game that you can really just pass it up for his two much more useful skills until they are maxed out. It has a notable impact on your Necrobook melee units but that's about it.