General Discussion

General DiscussionHave you ever experience this as a support player... worst game i eve...

Have you ever experience this as a support player... worst game i ever play 80++sentry for invisible hero.. in General Discussion
Cheap Laugh Guy

    Ye, I remember there was this annoying Riki who loves to deward my sentries. I'm a sentry person(I hardly use dust) so I just played along and we dewarded each other the whole game.
    It was a battle of the sentry :D

    Most sentries I placed was 50+ alone, I think.


      @dawnbringer haha, in my games 80 sentry so frustating and boring cause enemy carry, mid , and offlaner can make us dead in 2 second


        Well done sir! :O


          Why nobody bought gem? It's super good on both Storm Spirit and Spectre.

          Herald Pride

            i ever spent almost 6 k gold for warding. gem? i meant in my game, if gem taken by enemy, then game will be more hard to play. so i avoid gem

            Herald Pride

              i ever spent almost 6 k gold for warding. gem? i meant in my game, if gem taken by enemy, then game will be more hard to play. so i avoid gem


                @low prio i agree with u but in terms of gold gem is more effective than sentry...
                @bibotot cause no one dare to take the gem.. if its drop its a disaster...


                  I only consume 25 at most


                    @Nikki we re different sir ur bracket is 4k mine is 3k ish lol



                      Too early for dotabuff plus to have analysed it so I don’t know exactly how many. But after getting my tranquil urn and medallion I spent every single dollar for the rest of the game buying sentries and covering the map with them to punish them for going 3 pick off invis heroes (clinkz, nyx and sb kunkka).

                      It paid off since we were eventually able to catch them out and win once the three assholes not in my and axes party finally decided to stop trying for kills and just finish the game.


                        @murranji sometimes its worth sir. sometimes its not especialy on my bracket , they farm till ward expire and ask for another ward again and farm again till got caught and blame support which doesnt have any item for saving them , and sometimes i got a team which 3 enemy dead, they still farming dont wanna push, its really depressing haha