General Discussion

General DiscussionCalibration non-sense

Calibration non-sense in General Discussion
happy noob

    Everyone here is complaining about how this process is garbage and if I should even play ranked now because of people wanting to play carry or whatever ignorant reason comes across them after 5 minutes of playing a match or reading negative posts.

    I understand nobody likes change, especially when most of us tried very hard in the past to reach a certain MMR. This week was a draw back for most of us, I used to be 4k, now im 3.7k because of calibration. I won almost all my calibration games and PLAYED A ROLE THAT I NEVER PLAY so i can set aside the bull shit and not tilt the tilted. Yes, i willingly forfeited my position as carry and spammed Omni to ensure PMA toward my team. Do i think i screwed up and should of been more aggressive insta-locking Clinkz? Sure, but in my head I wasn't up for all the bull crap that came with it, and you know what i mean. I know i sound a bit angry, but i'm actually completely fine where I'm at. I looked at most higher tier players, such as someone i follow on twitch, and he calibrated at D5, but he lost 2k mmr. I thought to myself, well that must feel like shit. But then i thought, well if he was 8k he will just get it back in time.

    The only thing that irritated me in this whole update was how Valve just dumped a new MMR system and didn't really provide any guide lines to it. For someone like myself, I kick myself in the ass for not doing research on how calibration really works. I did in the past but it seemed everyone had their own opinions and I just brushed it off. What I'm trying to say is for such a big update - they didn't really provide anything to help us with how THERE CALIBRATION SYSTEM WORKS.

    I know most of you are going to say "Well, you should know and just google it." Well fuck you, I didn't ask for a new MMR system and I didn't ask to lose 400 mmr with 4 games lost. There should of been a big gigantic banner on the day of release that said "Here is a reminder of how calibration works since you probably haven't calibrated since you started playing." Or just something to read to just give me some type of relief. Someone told me your first game is your most important game in calibration, after my first game...which i lost.

    Just to clarify here, everyone understands you will be calibrated where you deserve to be. I played a role that I never play but I sure as hell played like a support that I would of wanted. I do not agree with Valve giving such little detail at the start to something that will be inked into the game for years to come such as how it works and etc. But maybe I'm being a little bias on that situation.

    The last thing on my mind is -- now don't kill me -- but I have played LOL ( for like a couple weeks) and I did enjoy how you picked a role before a match. Now think about this, imagine if I didn't include LOL in the previous sentence, would you still be for this suggestion? Sure, you could have someone who locked in a support role and pick chaos knight or some other inconvenience, but how nice would it be to just know you can play your role before the match even begins. I understand this has nothing to do with the topic of calibration, but in the long run it is a idea that could help us all out 6 months from now. In one of my calibration games, I locked in Omni and someone else locked in a POS 4. The last pick had no idea what to pick, so I just told him to pick Spec, because why not just do it. 10 seconds in, he says "Guys i really don't play carry so blah blah blah." I tell him swap with me. Problem solved. But in future cases this could be avoided. BTW I would wait in a 15 minute que for a POS1 spot than having to deal with all the bull crap.


      4k old mmr != 4k new mmr dude. It's like complaining that you rode 80km in old money and complaining that it is only 50mi now.


        pos 1-5 locks for searching could work

        but that would require people learning what 1-5 positions mean and well....there you go won't happen, ever

        happy noob

          @rocket I'm not complaining, about my drop in MMR. I sure don't like it haha, but I will get back there in time.


            4k old mmr != 4k new mmr dude. It's like complaining that you rode 80km in old money and complaining that it is only 50mi now.
            pretty much that


              and i really like this change

              happy noob

                @Unhealable Damage - I'm not sure what you mean. Requiring people to learn positions they actually play that won't happen?


                  What was this rant all about. Lol if nothing changed anyway


                    versatility is a part of mmr - versatility is skill in a sense


                      I also agree in the part you concerned because Valve is the company that almost opposite of the word "Transparency" for consumers we never knew anything about the system they're using unless they feel like they want to tell us. This re-calibration looks horrible because no one know how does it work to get higher MMR because even you lose you still get better result than others who win his game (so now people went 5 cores to calibrate instead yay).

                      This system even worse in support role I tried to check what is the Criteria to assess good support it's just a vague sense like buy wards and deward healing and try not to die (which is imposible unless you just ran every fight because my KDA is more important than win the game) but no concrete information or Criteria for you like "Core player"

                      This obscurity also goes with treasures that didn't give you anything except rare,ultrarare. I know that but or not buying is the choice but lately many countries try to issue the law regrding this issue. (forced to show % droprate) Wouldn't Valve as one of the biggest company in market should be an example to launch "what good company should be" instead of sit and wait until law passed to change themselves

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        ask a 3k player what a pos 4 is. or a pos 5.


                          The problem isn't that you drop 400MMR. The problem is that games are crap because 3800 4000 4200 4400 and 4600mmr now play in the same games.

                          As for valve, they have always been shit, I remember when they first presented dota2 with just a couple of heroes.... it took them YEARS to get all the heroes in.

                          The most broken thing is the behavior system. Even though I've never personally been in F pool, I was in LP a few times for no reason, and it's tragic. There should be a failsafe system which prevents you being reported for intentional feeding if you have say 13-4 stats. Most games people just report you for everything if they don't like you. I remember years ago getting reported for comms abuse while I was already muted - I got even more ban time while there was obviously no comms abuse since I was already muted.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                          happy noob

                            @Unhealable Damage, Take LOL for example...They don't issue their roles as in initials or slang, its basic. So why can't Valve keep it basic and do soemthing around the lines of Hard Carry, Offlane, Support, Mid, Roam. Those are just the first names that come to mind to set aside POS 1,2,3,4,5


                              @Unhealable aren't you also 3k and you understand pos4 and pos5 then what is a validation of your claim?


                                Got mine divine 1..3 wins 7 losses kappa

                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                  so, playing support is risky during calibration?


                                    no it isnt, unless you suck at it.

                                    bad example; my first ranked match ww supp rushed midas, has no impact, no damage, no heal. thats how you drop mmr.


                                      before the update 29xx after the cali. (7-3) Anchor 3 with 3024 mmr.
                                      so its ok


                                        It's Archon goddammit

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                                            ¯ \ _ ( ツ ) _ / ¯

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                              Does it require 10 games solo and 10 games party or just doesn't matter as long as its 10 games in total?


                                                I gain 200 mmr from recalibration 😏😏😏


                                                  This calibration feels way too random. It feels like there is a script that randoms a value between -300 and +300.

                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                    @ยาธาตุน้ำขาว..... true. the only logical explanation of that could be that theyr system ( calibrating system . bs system , matchmaking ), prety much every system they use its probably not accurate , thats why they are not transparent at that part, cause it would be alot of complaining .


                                                      This system doesn't ensure you are in your current bracket at all. It just takes your old mmr, deducts 50-200 points depending on whether you are <4k or >4k. There are countless posts on reddit about people complaining how the medal thing is utter dogshit, and valve whiteknights are jumping in with stuff like "no, it is supposed to keep you at your true skill level, you won't jump 10k mmr through recalibration". When will you morons understand that this system is actually doing nothing? There are 6k players and 5k players playing on their 2k or 3k smurfs, and getting calibrated at the exact same level (2k and 3k). So you are still telling me that the new system puts you where you belong? Then you have people who literally feed for 10 games, lose 9 or 10 games and end up at the exact same mmr. Fuck these subhumans, these valve whiteknights. And dont even get me started on the shitshow that is about to happen in 6k+ bracket where people will keep on getting matched with teammates who are at least 1k to 2k mmr below them