General Discussion

General DiscussionTreant Protector in 7.07+

Treant Protector in 7.07+ in General Discussion

    Your thoughts?


      Still a exp leecher and warding machine

      mosquito net on my feet

        I like the lv20 root talent


          treant was bad because all focus was on the midlane. treant is slow and there are no trees

          maybe now that midlane isnt that important anymore treant will come back?

          he is certainly good in lane, zoning 1 offlaner is a cakewalk. plus global shield+heal for midlaner

          he is still kind of immobile, tp rotations for counterganks are kind of useless. you kind of want to sit in the safelane and get lvls with pulling, which is too passive

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

            He sucks ass now. Sucks for me too since I used to spam him


              Meteor hammer was a core on him, watch ur enemy getting their ass kicked and they doesnt even know what hit them

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                There is this 3 second tree respawn time talent
                First I was like "wut? Tree as in Treant the hero??"
                Then I found out it's the lamest talent to ever exist LUL
                If they give Treant the tree walking ability like deadwood in HoN then it might be a good escape tool


                  What is hOn?