General Discussion

General DiscussionWraith King off-lane?

Wraith King off-lane? in General Discussion

    Is he capable of this role now?


      With a decent support than can harass I suppose.

      зачем я начал поиск

        Why wouldn't you pick something better and stronger though.

        casual gamer

          roam or 1 pos

          casual gamer

            u could put him mid against ember spirit if you were a retard I guess

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Too hard


                Aggro trilane hes a beast


                  Go farming jungle with ur skeleton, then feed after that


                    Well he can stack jungle with his skeleton or micro skeleton in lane and afk jungle..

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      ^if that was the case he would be super OP
                      Thus volvo made them uncontrollable


                        you could farm stacked ancients with skeles

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          Doesn't really give that much but I doubt it's as retarded as smth like drow off or smth


                            berry good


                              1ks sure as hell love their freaking brown boots