General Discussion

General DiscussionCalibration is broken?

Calibration is broken? in General Discussion

    Ofcourse hes losing and winning now since HE IS BACK TO HIS ORIGINAL MMR ALREADY.

    what are you even talking about? we are talking here about +/- 200 mmr not fucking +/- 1000mmr difference. He climbed 250 mmr in one day and now suddenly he is in another bracket where he is playing with balanced opponents which confirms his lossing and winning??? Lol, fantastic logic.

    And you are all missing whole point of thread.

    when somebody writes this (OP wrote it btw, incase if you dont follow)

    pretty annoying... I am already up to 4k almost... but playing really easy games is no fun when I was in a higher bracket already

    Then I see player that is literally stomping his games having +75% winrate. Not this shit:

    Does this look to you like someone who calibrate way out of his fucking league or some shit? Does this look to you as easy chill games? rofl, as I said, stop writing shit, thats it.


      You do realize that 4.2 and 3.7 is 500 difference. meaning 20 games. Making this thread pointless.


        500 mmr is a few stars worth. It's definitely statistically significant guys

          it seems you are the one writing shit man... 500mmr is a different bracket... 60% winrate with a 2 losing streak due to people raging isn't that bad... if there were no ragers it would be within the 75%...

          The point is, if everyone else calibrated +- the same mmr they were before in the 4k bracket, why did I calibrate -500mmr from my previous when I won 70% of my calibration games?

          The only explanation given was cuz I had 400 riki games(which was the hero I learnt the game), and if that's the case, then it should be reviewed because it's wrong...

          @Coroner I think you are a bit off the line and maybe someone should ban you from this forum... you are not helpful, just a tilted boy...

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            5.5 -5.2 but i climb it fast


              60% winrate with a 2 losing streak due to people raging isn't that bad... if there were no ragers it would be within the 75%...
              Ah, ofcourse, when you have losstreak is due to ragers...

     yep calling gg in 9. minute

     another gg callin in 9. minute

              When your opponent has ragers : ( ) we dont count those, do we?

              Should I also say then that winstreak you had is solely based on all the ragers enemy team had and you didnt win any of those games but the opponents lost them? Its same logic, right?

              You picking riki has no connections on anything.

              Not everyone calibrate at same mmr they were. You are not only one and I am sure there is perfect reason why MM gave you that number you got. I base my opinion purely on your performance in your last 30 games.

              I am not trying to be helpful cause there is nothing that requires help, you are just strongly biased and superficial about your individual case and I am just trying to point out that you are nothing but wrong and complaining on things that you shouldnt complain about cause you dont have argumentation for it.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
              < blank >

                As Lex said he calibrated 500 mmr lower than his mmr. As valve stated - unranked also matters so if you abandoned unranked games with 3k hidden mmr and then started playing only ranked till 4.5k or some other mmr range you get avg +- 500 mmr after calibration. Just loose thoughts but its makes some sense.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  I didnt play unranked, but maybe my party mmr was low cuz I dont play it much and that could have brought the average mmr down?

                  @Coroner, I will just have to ignore you from this thread, have a good life....


                    Party MMR has no impact on ancient average mmr.

                    Yes, you played unranked

                    And you were normal skill on it, which means under <3200 MMR. That probably had impact on your ranked MMR. (I dont count your last 15 unranked games cause those are lpq games)


                      ok, interesting... that may have been it then...

                      Jonas Kahnwald

                        Same to me. I was 4900, and game pretty easy for me, very less cancerous.

                        And after calibration, Valve set me to 4k2.

                        Dont forget visit this topic too :