General Discussion

General Discussionyou can cut all 3 waves with ta traps

you can cut all 3 waves with ta traps in General Discussion
casual gamer

    how did this make it past playtesting haha xd


      it's good but it's not 510 magic damage


        gl with that

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          yeah spend all game going between lanes to place traps

          casual gamer

            I will just you watch me

            casual gamer

              It’s 650 damage 5s cd huge range + invisible, global det range

              There’s literally no reason not to drop 2 traps behind t2 and collect 540 free gold later if you are already there

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                Wow, you really must love techies then.

                casual gamer

                  Remotes don’t cost 15 mana and they’re not on a right clicking carry that buys blink

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    also they dont have a 5s cd, near instant cast time and massive cast range. tbf though you need level 18 before you can one shot waves and you also need the talent and although ta farms and gets levels fast, her winrate isnt that insane so i guess nothing to worry about, YET.

                    casual gamer

                      It’s not having an effect because NOBODY IS DOING IT. People still think the traps are a shitty meme and don’t abuse them

                      Even at lvl 6 it’s impossible to lane against ta without a sent, she spams these shitty free 250 damage nukes until you are in the kill range

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        they only do damage when they are fully charge though. so if you destroy them as they are placed they wont do damage. besides, most heroes cant really lane against ta after level 6 without risk of death anyway. but yeah i have no idea how this hero is not more popular, both in pubs and in pros.


                          ^imo she feels ultra weak to ganks, and refraction is rlly easy to counter, meaning she has to be a situational last pick
                          she is uber strong when no one can break refraction
                          that being said ta is among my worst heroes sooooooo...

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            ta is not "super weak to ganks". by that logic any hero that is not qop/puck/mirana are super weak to ganks. imo the main problem is she is generally shit in dual lanes and thats what everyone seems to be doing in mid lane these days, which removes one of the ta's best traits (good laning stage).