General Discussion

General DiscussionA few random questions coz I have nothing else to do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

A few random questions coz I have nothing else to do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ in General Discussion

    1. Would nerfing Kaya by removing 10% mana cost reduction and leaving 10% mana loss reduction (along with spell amp) make it more situational instead of first item pickup material and closer to balance?

    2. After normalizing high MMR rankings, the actual MMR values have also been removed from the leaderboards. Why is this, do you think?
    Also, the whole system is now designed around forcibly having to reveal your Tier (medal) and forcibly hiding your MMR (number). SeemsGood? Or no?

    3. Was the cooldown of the TP scroll given at game start increased over the average 80 seconds? You can't collect the rune and tp mid to block now. What do you do? Collect rune or block from the very start?

    4. Do you still purchase Aether Lens on Tinker now? Or Kaya? Or both? What supports can you afford to farm both items and become super strong? Skywrath? Oracle?

    5. Is anyone following the Dota Pro Circuit Majors and Minors religiously? I feel like even after watching most of them prior to the Perfect World Masters (which was the least interesting one, team-wise), I'm losing interest in them. Dreamleague should be hype, but has the excitement of pro tournaments deflated?

    Also, fun fact: Winter Wyvern's cold embrace counts as ally heal now. Discovered it in my last calibration match for ranked.

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      1) kaya doesnt need a nerf. Its good on like 10 heroes at most.
      2) this was a dumb move, i guess valve wants people to track their placement (ie 763rd) rather than their mmr.
      3) its 100 seconds now, longer than pre-game time of 90 seconds, so you cant do tp blocks anymore, but you can still tp to a different lane after a fb play.
      4) i believe you get kaya normally and aether lens only if you want aghs. I dont think you can get both though. Supports dont need kaya. Aether lens is not bad on some supports, but you are generally better off getting force staff/glimmer cape.
      5) I do try to watch them but i cant really follow them too closely and i have no idea who has the most QPs either.


        Are you 763rd?

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          No i dont have a number yet, not sure if it is top 1000 that shows or 2000.


            I believe it's top 2000, but it's still inaccurate, even after 7ks and 8ks get back to their righteous MMRs. There are many players who simply haven't recalibrated. I remember seeing most of Newbee team not having any medals on their accounts in the recent tournament.

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