General Discussion

General DiscussionVS first in WinRate on 3k-4k and 2k-3k meta statistics

VS first in WinRate on 3k-4k and 2k-3k meta statistics in General Discussion

    I always keep wondering about this why is this happening? I like it tho.

    I play her a supp and I don't think she is that strong tho maybe I'm using her wrong haha.


      Cuz carry venge Hits like a truck.


        Why is she a good carry right now? what changed?


          Talents i guess... Not sure


            I don't know which position VS should be in this patch because for me Magical VS is stupidly strong too. aghanim + OC + talents she can send 725dmg magic missile with 3.5s cd even in death. I hope 1/2 carry build should be a thing in near future.

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              She hits hard, makes her allies hit hard, builds items/has abilities for taking Rosh, can save allies, can initiate on enemies. She's also a flex pick with no super hard counters so she can be picked early in the draft.

              Story Time

                still no flashfarm


                  ^ you Farm heros


                    ^ so she farm heroes instead of farming the normal way like Razor?

                    Story Time

                      well there is a reason why it is good in lower mmr brackets and not higher mmr


                        Yea I did not notice venge at al. When did this happen lol


                          This happened like before TI. Venge has been a decent carry since like 7.00 and for a while was a common pick in pro doto. Only problem is in low mmr you have to tell your team that you're going carry so they don't just auto assume your a support and pick another carry. Then half the time they pick another carry anyways.


                            I’ve been playing her pos 5. Strong lane presence, great aura for late game, good stun lvl 1 and minus armor is always nice. Won many team fights from using swap to save an ally.
                            Also vs is good against lc and lc is extremely popular


                              whenever i play venge i feel like shes the best highground initiator in the game. W for vision, swap, force out, stun

                              doesnt matter if your team is ready for it. when you swap the enemy mid into them they WILL kill him.

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