General Discussion

General DiscussionSleep paralysis vs wet dream

Sleep paralysis vs wet dream in General Discussion

    Whats worse?

    Both are accompanied by nightmares and creepy af

    If you were to experience one if this everyday, which one would it be and why?


      i never experience wet dreams but i chose them anytime ;)

      feeling like you're legit gonna suffocate and die and that u cant do anything about it is rly not cool


        Look around your house, Bane is probably nearby.


          never experienced any of those, im 13

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            ^^Heyyyyyy there fellow HoN player

            @OP Dafuq u had wet dreams with nightmares??????

            < blank >

              i wish i'd dream more in general and the dreams should be more fantasy than realistic


                Wet dream is the opposite of sleep paralysis. What am I missing here?

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  Youre missing that op is a pure virgin boy who scared of wet dream


                    Wet dreams rnt paired with actual dreams
                    That's just coincidence


                      Wet dreams rnt paired with actual dreams
                      That's just coincidence


                        A wet dream is where u have an incredibly sexual and pleasurable dream that results in you jizzing in your sleep.


                          Wet daydream all the way


                            Used to get sleep paralisis when back when I was younger. It’s honestly terrifying.


                              Wet dream is much worse. Imagine your mom appears on your wet dream...


                                Had to look up sleep paralysis.....turns out I think I've had that several times (sometimes it's often?). I just didn't know how to describe it. Or maybe it's something else. Basically sometimes I'll hear voices right before going to sleep. It's creepy for a second then it's like, "Oh yeah, somehow that's kinda normal, so it's chill" so it's all good.

                                But I'll take a wet dream over sleep paralysis any time.

                                Actually I just looked up a different article and this doesn't seem like the same thing I experience from time to time. Maybe what I experience is normal but no one ever mentions it? Or......I'm crazy?


                                  Sleep paralisis is where you are awake but not fully awake.
                                  You can be able to look around, but not move or breath on your own, nor can you speak. You just sit there frozen till your brain tells the rest of your body to wake up.


                                    sleep paralysis : mind wakes up while body is still paralyzed (body does that to prevent you moving and hurting yourself while dreaming)

                                    the only pros of sleep paralysis is that if you dont panic and go trough it you enter lucid dream mode.

                                    lucid dream : dreaming while being consciouss of dreaming which gives you the possibility to build your dream and do whtever the fuck you want like flying off ur window and fucking a random girl in a bus full of ppl, i did it, its rly cool, you know theres no consequences but you feel everything as you do in reality, coolest part is the other ppl in the bus judging you while they cant do shiot about it cuz ur the boss.
                                    But that's just one exemple, your imagination is the limit. And ppl who never experience this at least once totally fucked up in life in my opinion. its basically magic.

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      Wet dreams are NOT related to dreams u mongol stop spreading lies
                                      It's just when I jizz urself in ur sleep


                                        @Hitler Did Nothing Wrong I don't know if I understood correctly what you mean, but the voices you hear in your head right before falling asleep are called hypnogogic allucinations and are due to the change of electromagnetic waves the brain experiences when going from awake to asleep (dat english tho... Hope you got what I mean anyway).

                                        Also I didn't know wet dreams were such a trauma for guys, jizzus


                                          i had them both, sleep paralysis is scary af its when i wakeup pretty isntant and u are unable to move any part of ur body for like 5-10 sec, wet dreems is when u see naked woman in dream and u jerk off while sleeping


                                            Both descriptions of wet dreams and sleep paralysis are wildly inaccurate. Sleep paralysis is clearly a billion times worse.

                                            Hatsune Miku

                                              you guys realise sleep paralysis is borderline lucid dreaming, if you master it you can control your dreams pretty much just like a game and you can even fly underwater.

                                              source: i did this once but i only tried flying in the sky for 10 seconds and its gone good stuff


                                                Sleep paralysis feels weird. I didn't even know the term before I experienced it. I though wow it must be because I was sitting on a computer for 10+ hours and couldn't fall asleep quickly. Seems like a lot of people experience the same thing. Moreover, sometimes when I try to sleep I wake up because I can't breath/can breath little it feels weird too. Idk I must be insane.

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  wet dreams happen to me every now and then, but yeah they have nothing to do with dreams if we are talking about the same thing here.

                                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                    @Prizm I had that too. Prolly because our breathing rate lowers when we enter sleep but somehow our consciousness/subconsciousness thought we're dying and wakes us up.


                                                      @Dawnbringer Glad I'm not alone.
                                                      Btw, this kind of thing stopped once I started to follow my daily routine (wake up at 9.00am and sleep at 1.00am). Idk if it helps any1 but you may try.


                                                        Pro tip: if you want to get sleep paralyzed, drink an energy drink before youre going to sleep.


                                                          sleep paralysis is actually quite fun (when it's not paired with hallucination)

                                                          @hatsune miku
                                                          No it's not lucid dream, not even close.
                                                          It's just being awake, but still under your own sleep's w/e that paralyse you so you don't reproduce your dream while sleeping-

                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                            I don't get it those saying wet dreams have nothing to do with dreams. It's called wet dreams for a reason


                                                              ^you do understand people have misconceptions about things right?
                                                              i mean its called a hot dog for a reason, its cuz ur eating dogs.
                                                              i mean its called heart burn for a reason, its cuz ur heart is on fire.
                                                              come on.


                                                                There are also many things that are called what it is for what it is.

                                                                Wet dreams = u have a dream (which u may not remember) and physiologically results in u wetting yourself lul