General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Zeus's Nimbus a bit overpowered?

Is Zeus's Nimbus a bit overpowered? in General Discussion

    Ever since the change from merely increasing damage to creating a ward that strikes people at intervals, Zeus has been causing a ruckus in pubs. I think the Nimbus is a bit too much. It does a ton of damage, and it's global, much like Thunder God's Wrath. With Refresher or Zeus himself standing there, you can almost permastun an enemy. The only downside to this is the need to buy an Aghanim Scepter. That's it.

    Here are some proposed changes:

    - Nimbus no longer stuns nor reveal invisible heroes. Just like Luna's Eclipse not benefiting from the stun of Lucent Beam.

    - It takes 8 attacks to destroy the Nimbus. Attacks from within the striking radius count as 2, notwithstanding whether the hero is range or melee.

    Neither of these reduces the damage of Nimbus. They just make the skill less annoying. What do you think? Should Valve do anything about this?


      I think that on 5k+ his winrate is only 50.09%, almost ideal. So his skills are definitely not OP.

      Fee Too Pee

        Nimbus is powerfull.

        But since zeus is weak as fuck in high mmr. Zeus needs some kind of tool of utility. Its fine



          casual gamer


            Cheesy Wenis


              casual gamer

                zeus is fine he brings a lot to a team imo (depush dmg ministun and the vision. vision is huge). weak to pipe/bkb and slightly to tranqs which is fine

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  No Zeus is pretty weak at the moment. If you nerf him even more he'll never be picked.


                    The guy has a shitton of damage and little else. Vision? Idk he’s in a good place. I’ve seen teams with only a zeus as hero damage and they still do ok

                    casual gamer

                      vision is pretty important i hear


                        yes most annoying thing about zeus.

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          not op but very annoying with the stun talent, i still never expect it even though its in the game for a year now


                            Hero is slightly OP, but he is too boring, so no one plays him. His damage is just retarded & it's very hard to kill him because of his itemization. People prefer to play Tinker because it's way more enjoyable as a nuker mid.


                              Idn but should be at least not as annoying,in my opinion it deserve nerf


                                People prefer to play Tinker because it's way more enjoyable as a nuker mid, joking, they play it because it's cancer as fuck


                                  buy pipe/bkb

                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                    i think his free deward is far more overpowered than Nimbus.