General Discussion

General DiscussionBug or not : Windranger facing backward when she use her ulti Focus Fire

Bug or not : Windranger facing backward when she use her ulti Focus Fire in General Discussion
7Mad About You

    I saw one clip form DotaWTF, when Windranger one on one against Medusa, Medusa use Stone Gaze but Windranger hitting medusa with her Focus Fire and facing backward to counter Stone Gaze's stun.

    I know it is good counter for Stone Gaze, but it doesn't make sense when you shoot someone with arrow go backward.


      Yeah they added the spell "moonwalk" to WR. Now stop asking logical questions and just go play Michael Ja.. Windrunner

      Jafaar Renggo

        if u want something that make sense go play chess. jk jk its the new feature of focus fire.its not a bug

        The DarKNovA

          Didn't you know? Windranger is honorary Hungarian horse archer.



            Cheap Laugh Guy

              It's magic
              Just that simple


                WR no need to see at enemy to shoot at them. Nice buff icefrog

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Have you ever played Bloodseeker and run so fast that the projectiles and arrows can't even catch up to you but they still actually chase you and turn like heat-seeking missiles? That's not a bug. It's just magic.

                  7Mad About You

                    i think next update WR should become horse archer. She good like Mongolian Cavalry


                      if u want to ask a question like that, please ask about how the f*** invoker bring a f****** meteor down from the sky?


                        -u can use naga siren/meepo net into a freakin water "morphling"
                        -u need only 1 boot for broodmama
                        -blackhole cant suck the entire city
                        -a body full of rock actually having 0 armor "tiny"


                          OSfrog logic xD


                            I think net update Pugna should get a horse to justify that 335 base ms

                            7Mad About You

                              ok guys, im not talking about logic. Im talking about turn rate. Turn rate give some impact on Dota game mechanics. WR can easily blink dagger or force staff while hitting someone backward.

                              p/s : LOL player make such a big deal about Dota turn rate. They whine all day how difficult to play Dota

                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                But it's not a big deal... WR's not even the meta right now so a little advantage won't hurt.

                                So that implies you're a LoL player?

                                7Mad About You

                                  emm no


                                    her turn animation is bugged. when moving you turn away in theory, the model doesnt turn away tho and keeps shooting. thats causing wierd situations like that one, even worse with high ping probably