General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you do when team don't want to follow objectives?

What do you do when team don't want to follow objectives? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Based on your experience, what do you usually do? Kindly share your thoughts pls. Thanks!


      Buy meteor hammer and necronomicon I guess...

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
      casual gamer

        solo rosh then say push, this usually works

        otherwise split push + rice and wait for a fight

        sometimes u just cant push, very threatening spells or huge depush


          lose the game

          chicken spook,,,,

            wonder why did i pick smth that can't hit towers

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              shouting on mic works well.

              casual gamer

                Thanks for making so many actuall topics that aren't "how tu predict get vhs with noob team"


                  Keep waves pushed. Eventually they will hit towers adter you win a fight


                    Gh does this all the time, you dont have to be core and be aggresive in taking map control and not just kills, instead of waiting for an opportunity, suffocate the enemy by being aggressive. I won way more games doing this just recently. I only pick heroes now that can at the very least push unattended waves. And I won significantly more games even with setbacks like bad drafts( the ussual)

                    casual gamer

                      the only bad draft i even care about is the legendary "no stuns against slippery heroes" draft


                        As a slippery hero picker the only bad draft I care about is the - we're gonna pick all pick weak melee laners with you and afk and cry about the early game while we do absolutely nothing useful.


                          I have confirmed the validity Fauzan's statement with countless matches experiment

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