General Discussion

General DiscussionMy laning on Magus . Feel free to write your laning stage on hero u like

My laning on Magus . Feel free to write your laning stage on hero u like in General Discussion

    My starting items are tango shield 2 gran. Of strenght

    I usualy hide in woods first wave waiting for suport to come or not , if therr is suport alrdy i just use my Q and lasthit ( always trying lasthiting range since its doulbe exp even using Q very important for offlaner)

    I get my quel asap since magnus has high dmg with quel u hit range in almost 2 hits at lvl 3 for example

    If suport is hrrasing u just try lasthit ss much as u can and maybe pull him to ur tower and kil him ( missing alot but sometimes it works )

    Also priority for me are runes at 2 4 6 i try get both

    I go rush treads before soul ring since when u get treads u can farm wood creeps easy and dominate 1v1 lane if suport is missing

    After that i go for bf skiping soul ring again

    Farm up my bf and im rdy for farming my ass off and tp if some serious fight is going on or fight is near me

    Aftr than blink is a must and then i usualy go for ac

    If game is 50/50 i get my ac ay like 25-27 min and every 5v5 teamfight is a free win rly


      How quickly do u clear waves + camps with battlefury and cleave. I assume by the time u have battlefury from an offlane hero at 16-18 mins u would be level 12?


        When i get treads at like 4 -5 min if im 1v1 or i get help from roam and get some asist or kill my bf timing is alrdy at like 13 min

        By then i get lvl 10 talent 25 atwck speed and im clearing camps in 4 hits .

        Waves are cleared in 2 hits BUT u must buy quel after bf other wise u would need 3 or ur creeps will lasthit some

        Ancients are very fast killed too u get items petty fast later on


          I just hate when 3300 mmr dogs start raging about my bf rush and sometimes ppl blame me and give up etc

          but best way to play magnus in low mmr like me is going carry mode who can solo enemie , dont want to rely on a legend 1 safecore who has 350 gpm last 20 games

          I still suport my team with emp non stop because emping u and ur mid and safecore is fuckng imba and they will like u more as a player

          So usualy at start i grt problems with teammates but when i prove them wrong its all good


            I'm just thinking how much bf accelerates ur farm if u have cleave anyway. U r delaying other potential mag carry items as an offlaner. I like mag carry honestly. Blink sb echo ac. But maybe as a pos 1 u can afford to go bf early. Don't see the benefit in getting it as an offlaner


              If u get an early echo and combined with Q I think u shd farm well too


                Hm i watch miracls and dendi magnus since they play him carry , and they never go bf

                They go sabre blink silver ac sphere orchid etc

                And yes they do farm with sabre and Q alot but its slower than bf for sure ( not alot but it is slower ) and they need those items cause its 8k mmr games where in 3k mmr bf is enoght

                Idk i still didnt try normal sabre sb blink build i will try for sure and see differences

                Bf and emp is not a waste if u catch rp 2-4 heroes the heroes damaged by cleave will recieve double more dmg if i have dedalus its 3 -4 times more


                  Today i played vs viper and lina and i had a bf ac dedalus

                  They were clearing wave while i was in trees waiting
                  I just blinked, attacked range creep near viper , dealt crit , and viper was left 1 hit more

                  Same for lina blinked hitted creep and finish in 2 hits

                  I got like 3 ultra kils today with magnus and 90 k hero dmg in a game as an offlaner its insane


                    The only way I see your style of Magnus working is pos 1 and u just keep cutting waves with bf by 2 shotting them then get pick offs with shadow blade and then when u finally push just 1 rp and win the game ez.

                    It's still risky because echo much cheaper and does roughly the same thing. So if u have a bad early game u are still relevant to an extent.


                      But yea max cleave sounds fun with daed. U actually can output so much dmg. I will try it once

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        If lanes are weak enough against magnus you can be surprised that you can actually man up and assert dominance on them. Like i once faces a maiden slark and got a few kills. I used to go carry mag, but my build was treads-blink-echo-silveredge-bloodthorn ussually. I ussually do enough damage I feel and i only pull it off if Im mid cause I want the timings. I woudlnt personally go battlefury because you have empower already tbh. And echo just seems better. Early on though youre gonna run out of mana for combo so thats what I dont like about it


                          Tresds and bf gives 6 mana regen plus switch treads plus mana potion 50 gold plus shrines plus ally arcane


                            They nerfed empower too much

                            Buying bf doesn't rlly make sense since u can do similar things with ur existing skill set.

                            Ur build is fine but not as an offlaner.
                            Just play ur magnus in the safelane, if ur gonna go carry, cuz generally if ur playing mag offlane, u already have the dmg in ur carry and need to set up to easier. So I'd just say switch lanes.


                              Emp is op and mana is never a problem for me i switch tread every spell even in fights if its posible

                              Offlane is better than safelane imo... maybe i should try midd but build would be the same

                              Sabre is a 3k gold item who gets sold so i never buy it but i see mirscle dendi go for it so i gona give a try


                                ^imo better to get it than bf, since it also gives mana Regen and the strength works with empower.
                                They also removed the 50 dmg talent. Carry mag used to be better imo mag is in a crappy spot rn.

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  I think magnus is almost, not quite, in that position of say an earth spirit, bat in a sense that his kit is REALLY good. I mean an RP can win you a game. Not always, but it can most definately

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    ^this is traditional innitiator mag though


                                      I think magnus is just op hero

                                      He has a buff for team , a nuke , a escape and catch up, and he has best disable in game ( enigma ulti is shit it can get canceled )

                                      When u catch 4 man 2 times in game enemie just give up and dont want to play


                                        40% win rate. So I guess whatever you're doing on "Magus" is working.


                                          Mag is a pretty garbage hero in general. Like literally no one ever said "I'm against a Mag I'm losing the lane".

                                          Mag either gets zoned out, or loses the lane 1v1 to a Ursa or Jugg (or just about any hc).

                                          In team fights there are too many things that can go wrong.

                                          1. You get silenced/disabled before you can ult
                                          2. You RP but skewer the enemy out, making teammates miss their spells like ghost ship or disruptor's ult.
                                          3. You land completely garbage ults. Either the timing is wrong, or you miss.

                                          Shockwave's animation is a joke.


                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            nice starting items, literally not enough gold for that.


                                              Buys 2 gauntlets doesn't do Sr


                                                I have 40 winrate since i spam himand 90% time i first picked

                                                I have ebough gold for ghat its exactly 620 gold

                                                Story Time

                                                  i would report any magnus with BF. It is either mental decease or the guy is trolling

                                                  Palmen aus Plastik

                                                    ^^the point of being a spammer with a hero is to maintain a high winrate with it, so I don't understand what you are saying in your defence. As an offlaner if you're buying Battlefury you are misunderstanding your role. Your job is to go and make plays and not passively farm like positions 1 and 2 right? Just go utility magnus why dont you? GH does it a lot, Arcane, Blink, Force Staff. If you're copying Dendi's build play him midlane. Then a BF would make sense.

                                                    Chao Vritra

                                                      if you can play him that greedy and make it work more power to you but I would think on a utility mag you would want blink force refresher or something

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        actually yeah im dumb, gauntlets are 135 gold now.


                                                          I tryed build without bf goin sabre blink dedalus

                                                          Its pretty fine less farm but still better in fights and easy items afterwards too

                                                          So sabre blink is much less risk cause Bf is 4200 gold while u can pick up 2900 gold sabre and halfway blink anx join fights faster

                                                          low prio master

                                                            Io post 7.07 is a good babysit and harassment tool:
                                                            strength gloves,tango,3 branch
                                                            This gave you ridiculous +9 strength
                                                            Io have good no animation and with this items your dmg is 56.