General Discussion

General DiscussionSo how can I convince my IRL friend(complete noob) to learn without a...

So how can I convince my IRL friend(complete noob) to learn without affecting our friendship? in General Discussion


    So yea, I'm currently studying in a college and a year ago, I transitioned one League player into a Dota2 warrior. Let's call him X.

    I played ALL of his pre-calibration unranked game together with him using my 3.5k smurf account(didn't have any account lower).
    His hidden MMR was set at perhaps around 3.xk?(Win rate of all these games were like 70%, I've seen high 3ks and low 3ks at those games), before his 10x calibration game.
    Playing a solo calibration game on his own, was a complete new experience for him and he lost 8/10 games, awarded him with a nice 2.8k MMR.

    He wasn't satisfied with his MMR as he thought he could've done better with those calibration games, however, after playing couple of ranked games, he couldn't win a single game, lost all of his confidence , stopped playing ranked and became an unraked player for the following 6 monthes or so, only to preserve his MMR.

    The root of this problem is that, his hidden MMR was absurdly inflated by playing all of his pre-calibation games with my smurf single handed carrying all of the games and he wasn't learning anything. I thought I taught him the basic mechanics of the game, counter picks and strat but i was completely wrong. He didn't even know what is a high ground, creep aggro, skills of heroes, effect of active items like veil, hex, euls, etc etc....

    Since then, I've get to invite couple more newbies to get into DOTA but by learning from this experience, I did not play a single game together with them, only coached/answered their question and sent them some useful online guides. Most of them calibrated at around 1k mmr or so, pretty much decent for a complete newbie and improving day by day, playing in ranked. X(the first guy) was playing party together with them(Only turbo mode and unranked though, this dude seems like stopped playing ranked completely).

    Few days ago ,I was invited into a LINE group by my DOTA 2 pals, but X wasn't invited. I asked them the reason for it and they've told me X is being completely dick for their party games and they no longer wanna play with him. Seems like X has been constantly flaming the others, calling them a "low mmr trash" , " I'm the highest MMR, so do things as I say" , " Lowest MMR player should support" .......... and more..... I've watched the replay and it was a nightmare, X was constantly spamming pings on his team mate, trash talking on all chat blaming about his friends, and abandoning some games. What makes it worse is X actually play way WORSE than the others, but that 2.8k or whatsoever MMR he achieved it in the wrong way developed some sort of huge ego within himself.

    X is even asking me to play his recalibration games so that he can get the badge reaching the the highest potential of his current MMR.

    He is a cool guy to chill-out with, I didn't even know he was being such an asshole , but still, I feel uncomfortable seeing this sort of thing happening.

    I guess X should start a new account, and learn the game from scratch, calibrating the MMR legitimately to let go of his ego, but I have no idea how should i cut it out to him?

    Any suggestion to fix this problem without being too harsh?

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다
    Cheesy Wenis

      If he is treating others that harshly then he can probably take the criticism, just shoot straight and be honest about his attitude and bad calls. If he can only dish it out without taking it then you're friends with a bully, and should point this out to him or get better friends.


        Sounds like a 1k player. Let the guy carry 1k players instead of losing games for people who have spent time learning the game.

        casual gamer

          big ego + dumb = impossible to show him reality without making him mad at u


            your friend is an idiot lmao


              just tell him he is too bad for this game and stop playing it.
              OR tell him to improve and learn from scratch.

              but the point is he must know flaming and pinging others wont make him a better player.


                1vs1 him and show your dominance


                  Unfriend him.. Not worth your time. xD

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    You've created a monster. You gave someone with 0 self-awareness a high mmr account, and now he is making other friends' games shittier.

                    The blood is on your keyboard.


                      be frank about it and challenge him to a 1v1
                      also its impossible to teach someone dota from scratch

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        usually I just stay away from deluded shithead friends in-game and try talking nicely face to face about it if possible

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          Well ITS your fault to solo carrying his game. Next time you play with noobtry let them carry you, i mean when you feel you can solo carry the game and your friend completely useless just throw the game


                            The best way is to say 2.8 is not high mmr to your friend and give him indirect advice. Ifit doesnt work congrats you create a monster


                              It's just a game. Unless he plans on going pro, leave it be. If your friendships cannot withstand some in-game tension, then you aren't truly friends IMO. Trust me, I'be clashed many times with friends over Dota. At the end of the day, we're still friends. I suggest you do the same, and test how strong your "friendship" really is

                              casual gamer

                                I suggest you do the same, and test how strong your "friendship" really is

                                theres a difference between friendly ribbing and butthurt flaming

                                Lruce Bee

                                  lmao bro. yea u inflated his ego. he doesnt understand that u carry him and make his games easy. he didnt learn shit. u have to somehow show him that he is shit. ask him to make a new account from scratch. just tell him his mmr is inflated. he should start from like 1k like me

                                  muted all, it's just a ga...

                                    if I were you, I'd just tell him the truth, but before you explain the negative part, you should ALWAYS start with positive things or compliments ( its is a phsycological trick to help people accept your suggestion without getting offended ).
                                    ex: you are actually very beautiful and kind, but when you are saying dirty words, I feel uncomfortable...

                                    I hope its helpful

                                    Gab Nuwoll

                                      you must find a 2k player to humiliate him 1v1 mid. 1k even better.

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                        I'm up for that

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          oH WAIT 3 0 % M I D L A N E W I N R A T E


                                            just give up


                                              tell him playing in 1k is more fun than playing in 3k, you can easily stomp your opponent, also tell him it is easier to learn how to be better because 1k-2k are noobs.

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                I have a strong feeling X=Op LOL.


                                                  guess i'm just gonna tell him straight.

                                                  thx guyz


                                                    Truth hurts


                                                      tell him to go back to league


                                                        Tell him he sucks and offer to coaxh him for 40bucka an hour

                                                        Boop Boop

                                                          Tell your friend to do his own calibration matches.

                                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                            you cant

                                                            Boop Boop

                                                              Should add tell him if he isn't playing solo he really isn't a 2.8k player I had a friend on my friends list who was 3k but hadn't played ranked on over a year. I said he wasn't 3k and he is look my number and I was like dude play some ranked games and watch it drop. I am so thankful for the season so people can't do that.

                                                              Should mention the guy was a tilting guy who would flame everyone in his games for being lower aka 1k. And he just made huge brainfart s o well.

                                                              Don't help friend calibrate only play unranked with him

                                                              69 god

                                                                I was somewhat like that. He'll play in high mmr bracket he'll learn. The same happened with me. I was good at 1k, made new account. High skill matches for me but I found myself dead first in every team fight. I learnt that you don't just directly jump in to do shits there are strategies. I think better leave him alone and leave that to time. Many people abusing h at high skill should do the needful.


                                                                  I wanna know the result

                                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                                    ^stf.u and 1v1 me irl tomorrow