General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the best way to impact a 4K MMR game as a support?

What is the best way to impact a 4K MMR game as a support? in General Discussion

    So recently, I've added playing pos 4/5 in my goal to climb MMR.

    I noticed that as pos 5 - inspite of how good you make the laning phase for your Safe Lane and mid cores by:
    1. Zoning Out Offlaner
    2. Ensure Good Farm and Levels for Safe Lane
    3. Smoke Gank Courier/Mid when possible
    4. Map Vision w/ Obs and Sentry
    5. Being at the right place and time during mid game
    6. Shoving the lanes in
    7. Calling smoke ganks

    The list goes on..

    There are still a lot more critical and uncontrollable factors w/c would cause you to lose the game i.e.
    1. Cores overextending
    2. Cores overfarming when we can take objectives
    3. Cores itemizing wrongly
    4. Cores spending time in a place where you cant prep for/take objectives

    ^ This stuff

    As a Pos 5.. how do you do it?

    My current approach:
    1. Vengeful Spirit - can easily zone out solo offlaners, has kill potential, can save people, can kill waves fast, but teamfight aoe is meh. Relies on others when to start clashes but can lead smoke ganks.

    2. Shadow Shaman - kill potential against offlane but not good in zoning out by yourself. Can force objectives.

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      SD if your team is communicating and can combo,
      Rhasta if your team isn't communicating and can't combo.
      Venge if you want to die for your Legend carry
      Ogre if you have a midlaner you can trust (bloodlust wins games)

      Generally speaking, i first pick SD, ask my cores to pick a combo (TB, Luna- Insert illusion hero here) I stack smallcamp + hard camp with poison/right click at every min.

      Farm your small camp before 6-8mins and get lvl 5, Farm your hard camp with lvl 3 poison at 8-10mins and get lvl 7
      proceed to win the game with your new arcane boots +wards + lvl 7 at 9mins


        Pick SS/SD/Lion/Crystal/Bane each needs 0 gold to be effective u seem to already know this...

        In terms of cores overextending, you buy force/glimmer (glimmer is typically better). You could also spam ping them idk
        In terms of cores overfarming, try to push the best you can yourself and get out faster if the core isn't there sucks but sometimes they will do that. Or you could spam 'report carry' idk
        In terms of cores itemizing incorrectly, you fix their problems with glimmer/force/euls/lotus (yet again glimmer is your best option), or yell at them idk
        In terms of cores in bad positions, ward for them or go there and trade your life for theirs (venge is nice in this aspect) just what happens at times, or you can drop 50 teleport scrolls in base and ping teleport scroll dropped here and then ping the carry idk

        I would say that I'm fairly well versed in what should be done, but the answer is that you pick up the things the carries won't. If you do the correct thing such as forcing them, then glimmering, and then lotusing and they still die that's not on you and it's just the luck of the draw of choosing teammates. Often times almost all issues in a game can be fixed by 1 support buying 1 item at the right time.