General Discussion

General DiscussionValve Gave up on Dota?

Valve Gave up on Dota? in General Discussion

    No Battle Passes? 2 (shitty) Treasures in the last 4 months, 1 fucking shitty event (literally the worst event Ive ever played, despite the fact that it gives no rewards), the International was a disaster, their new ranking system is fucked up, player count is dropping rapidly, their major/minor system is losing worth.
    Might as well just quit dota (which i have for 3 months then came back for Turbo)


      I mean it's declining but saying the international was a disaster or that the treasures are shitty or the major minor system is bad is untrue imo. If u wanna quit the game then go ahead, no reason playing a game u don't enjoy. Don't make reasons like "game is dying" to quit, u shud play if u like it and not play if u don't like it, dota is a game meant to entertain whether people treat it like that or not.


        The frostivus game is fun and every year the battlepass came in jan. Stop complaining and wait.


          I saw some arguments that they want to come up with somethin good so they won't just release "anything" out there

          I am hoping the new battlepass comes in the next few days


            Like I said, im only playing Turbo.
            The International was a disaster because they delayed their 2 acts by more than 2 weeks (too lazy to check), Io Arcana, Kunkka sound pack and his immortal were released before the main event by a couple of weeks.
            For the Battle Pass, Fall 2016 BP was released on October 5th, another followed in Jan 2017.
            And yes treasure are total fucking shit, the one before this was just horrendous I have no idea why people bought it,

            Riguma Borusu

              wah wah free game doesnt suck my dick


                All of those things u mentioned aren't even abt the international itself, ur talking abt shit with the battle pass.


                  The main thing from the battlepass that frustrates me is the loss of the chat wheel stuff besides that the sculpture still didn't arrive

                  Justin Weaver

                    U play this game for treasure and battle pass? >.<




                        Do people actually need a reason to play the game? Like their fancy items/events stuff cuz I've never once bought their shit


                          I guess the lack of battlepass is just because they really changed the system and they can no longer handcuff a battlepass to an event since there are now so many. I am really happy that they are re-thinking their approach to these... I hope we will get better "battle passes" as a result. But they really should have had a "Season 1 Battle Pass" in store for us. It is icing on the cake, to make the game more "working towards a goal" kind of a thing.

                          And they did screw up the Siltbreaker events quite well, but I don't think this was by design... And they did what they had to do to get us a playable game mode. It is way better to get it right on one go than release a buggy piece of you know what...

                          Pepper & Salt

                            Personally I feel like battlepass is shit


                              we can start selling our lc arcanas in a week


                                I kind of liked the last 2 treasures


                                  I think the minor/major DPC points race to a TI invite was the best thing valve did.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    man I need to figure out the minor's schedule so I can watch more. Haven't watch any pro dota in a while.


                                      ^idk the schedule either but when events start news kinda spreads ya know
                                      Imo just follow one of those YouTube channels that post tournament game highlights and u figure it out, the easy way.
                                      Captains mode is starting soon.


                                        I like battlepasses and Compendiums. I dislike the fact compendium immortals and things won't be marketable anytime sooon.


                                          I just want another campaign, with or without battlepass and that you can finish quests of some kind