General Discussion

General DiscussionSomething odd with ranked matchmaking

Something odd with ranked matchmaking in General Discussion

    Currently i'm a legend (1) player and i realized that on some games there is a player with a much higher mmr than the average, one for each sides (Legend 4 - Ancient 0 ).

    Are they having a big losing streak or something?

    How i come i never get placed with archons? (My mmr too low? Feelsbadman)

    What are your thoughts?


      the only theory is that They were ancients when they calibrated and on a losing streak. Since you don't drop medals they might have reached the same solo MMR as yours but their medal still displays the one they calibrated on. Everything is still the same


        im experiencing the same, legend 1 aswell.

        you could explain anything up to legend 5 by them having higher party mmr than solo

        some ppl say that "strict solo queue" is just a fake and it wont show you the parties instead of not matching you with them. i dont believe thats true.

        its probably because your medal will not decrease when you loose a ton of mmr

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          Ah i see

          I thought dropping medals was a thing haha, cause i remembered i got deranked at one point. (It was probably an adjustment because it was pretty early when the new ranked system got introduced)

          Thanks for replying.


          Anyone know when this season will end?

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          Story Time

            i also somehow notice more divines in enemy team, while basically ancients only in mine.. looks weird especially since it is still 50/50 win lose

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              1) bad matchmaking
              2) they dropped a lot of mmr
              3) it is their party medal on display


                i think it is more likely 1) and 3).^

                dropping from ancient to legend 1 is very unlikely.

                matchmaking is really bad now, and medals cant really be trusted. u get huge variance in skill for games now cuz valve gets to hide behind a medal

                Story Time

                  ^in terms of skill i can imagine dropping from ancient to legend really good, just when i would play pos1 , i would play a noob legend :D
                  But the new system does not allow medals to degrade, even though i am on a losing streak since the new patch


                    So once you're ancient, even if you drop back to 2K, you'll still retain the ancient medal? Medals can only go up, not down? Legitimately never knew, thanks.
                    Actually, that will make me start questioning all those people with high MMR medals. "Let me mid I have the highest medal" will no longer have any sway with me.


                      ^ actually thats very true, they calibrated at ancient and went down back to legend so dont let them swines mid 😑


                        You can't derank medal. What I find even weird and stupid is something else.

                        The gap between legend 1 and legend 5 is small as fuck. It's just 450-500 mmr.

                        The new badge system reminds me of the old csgo system.

                        They literally made ranks before Silver Elite Master/Gold Nova Useless, because of unrealistic badge represantation.

                        So, what happened is barely anyone played in below gold nova badge and getting to ranks above LE was super ez, until they made people recalibrate.

                        I think 4k, 3k and let alone 2k should'nt be higher than Archon Rank.

                        Imo, I'd put them like this:

                        2000 to 3000 mmr crusader 0 to 5
                        3000 to 4000 mmr archon 0 to 5
                        4000 to 5000 legend 0 to 5
                        5000 to 5500 ancient 0 to 5
                        5500 to 6000 divine 0 to 5

                        It makes no sense that ancient is 4200 mmr.

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          you are changing literally nothing because medals are not used for matchmaking, MMR is.


                            Every 138.666 mmr its another rank


                              There is a bug on medals too. My friend got ancient 0 but his mmr is 3200.


                                @ Agressive Perfector

                                Well initially when you get the badge it's gonna be used for matchmaking. The problem is that once you go below trashold for certain badge you'll still keep the badge despite the fact you're not Legend 1 anymore, for example. Clearly I'm aware you know what I'm talking about, but just wanna drop my few cents and say I don't agree with the way they decided to keep the badge for whole season even if you drop down in MMR.

                                Now this probably leads to weird sitations such as Legend 5 plays with Legend 1 despite the 500 MMR difference, because actually, it is completely normal for someone with flat 4k to drop to 3500-3600 MMR, which is still Legend 1. Not to mention Legend 5 starts from somewhere around high 3800 or low 3900.

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  literally all they need to do is make sure the medal also changes as you lose mmr, but then medals would be literally useless because as of now they still have a purpose: a shield shit players can hide behind.



                                    Nicely said and I agree with you.