General Discussion

General DiscussionTips for a 2k MMR player

Tips for a 2k MMR player in General Discussion
saint nuk

    I thought I should ask more experienced players about climbing the MMR system, because 2k just isn't a good place to be in. I'd like you guys to go through my recent matches (please ignore the Pangolier game) and tell me what I'm doing wrong and where I need to practice more, feel like that would be helpful. Thanks in advance!


      Hello, add me on steam i could coach through a few games if you'd like on my free time even play with u a couple


        you play 1-2 regular games, then get 3 games of low prio. something is clearly wrong...

        either the way you communicate and behave ingame
        or you dont even belong into the crusader skill level

        fist thing to do is: focus on 2 roles, one core role and either lane support or roaming support, and only play those roles. i suggest offlane and roam. watch pro games and analyzes to learn about the actual job of each role.

        limit your hero pool to 2-3 for each of those roles and one (easy) hero in the other roles as backup. play what you like to play. forget about counterpicking outside of your hero pool. go to dotabuff - heroes - meta, pick heroes who are >51% in your skillbracket

        for example i played almost exclusively (1) sven (2) viper (3) axe, legion, shaker (4) shaker, bara (5) lich while grinding 2-3k

        when drafting, mark your core role, say hi and that you would like to play that. if somebody contests it dont argue, play your backup role. be ready to never actually play mid because everybody in 2k thinks hes miracle and firstpicks invoker, just like the dude who posted right before me

        ingame, dont critisize other players for what they do wrong. everybody in your skillbracket is shit, deal with that. YOU want to improve YOURSELF, so just do YOUR job and let them fuck up theirs, enemy team is shit, too anyway. one player in your team actually doing his job (you) will be enough to archieve 60%+ winrate.

        you never loose a game because your team is shit. you only loose because you didnt perform well enough to carry your team. check the game stats and find out why you lost and what you could have done better.

        dont tilt.
        i use the mute buttons quite frequently in solo queue.

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          Region Matches Win Rate
          Europe West 511 53.03%
          Russia 220 50.45%
          Europe East 213 51.64%

          my stats looked almost the same. i stopped queuing eu east and russia at some point, the mentality is quite different and hard to deal with for most ppl who live in west and central eu

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          saint nuk

            I don't know where you saw that, but I haven't played Single Draft for quite a while, I just like single draft. The thing is I have very high versatility, I just can't play the same hero multiple times in a row because there's no fun even if I win consistently. Is that a part of the problem? Regarding teammates that's a bigger problem, seeing as it's virtually impossible to win the game if 3,2 and even 1 teammate is being out of control.


              alright i didnt say anything about low prio then

              you will need to get mechanically strong on just a few heroes asap if you wanna climb fast. some ppl restrict to 5, some have a pool of 20.

              what you need to get to 3k is general understanding of game strategy. its an easy way to archieve that.

              the idea behind it is: you move on to playing these heroes semi-automatically. you forge the hotkeys into your muscle memory and stop thinking about them, just to make space in your brain to learn other things like general strategy. on legion i can blink, W myself, Q the enemy, halbert to pop linkens, activate blademail, duel in half a second. and meanwhile i dont think about that shit, i think about: should i even go in? is it worth? do i have buyback? does he? where is my team at? should i ask my supports to back me up because i want to push a nearby tower after the duel? what is my carry doing right now? where is that dazzle and will he grave that dude? oh nevermind, my axe is in blink range and has his ult off cooldown.

              at some point you will catch yourself buying a smoke. thats when you are almost 3k.


                Go Options => Enable quickast > Spells > items > Enable fast Attack. get faster get better


                  If you think 2k is bad just wait till you get to mid 3k. Level 20 accounts in every game


                    well he has a point :D 3k is full of shit. but so is 4k. as i said, look at your stats, not on your teams


                      Go Options => Enable quickast > Spells > items > Enable fast Attack. get faster get better


                      saint nuk

                        It's not about my settings, I've already figured out what works for me, even got camera on WASD for easier surround control. What I'm worried about is consistency. I pick what the team needs, even though I play quite bad on supports and usually hope for others to do so, and that leaves me in a weird spot. You can check out my solo games where I pick carry (my best role) and nobody cooperates, even sometimes picking other carries into the same lane just because they want to ruin or play good for themselves (e.g. I pick AM, teammate picks Zeus and goes into the same lane as me so I can't farm). That's what 2k is about, and I need to learn how to play well in contrary to that.

                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                          play more


                            you need to learn how to actually win games.

                            winning your lane doesnt win a game
                            getting alot of early farm doesnt do shit, everybody is 6slotted level 25 at 70 minutes
                            wards... fuck that shit as long as you dont know how to make use of them.
                            even killing the enemy wont do shit unless you start hitting a tower right after, but instead 2k player go farm a neutral camp because "i need my item". you just killed 5 heroes alone. you dont need a fucking butterfly you retard, go destroy that fucking tier 1 tower that has been standing in the midlane for 90 minutes now

                            what wins games is pressure. and you need to learn where, when and how to apply it. therefore its best to make sure you dont have to think about hero mechanics

                            i have lost games where i was 30/5 because i played fucking carry bounty hunter and didnt think of attacking buildings for 50 minutes
                            i have won games where i was 0/9 at 10 minutes because the enemy slark abandonned his safelane to look for pickoffs , so i took his tier 3 tower with brown boots and a magic wand on underlord.
                            oh wait, 4 heroes tp to stop your solo push? congratulations, you can now safely tp to the other side of the map, kill the one hero who didnt come to stop your push and attack the towers over there. your carry will probably complain because you push his lane and take his farm, somebody has to tell him that killing a tower equals the gold of ~50 lasthits for your team


                              Learn how to play dota

                              saint nuk

                                ^ Good advice.

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  not playing the game on autopilot helps


                                    easiest way to go from 2k to 3k is to learn how to last hit in the first 10 mins and how to afk farm/split push effectively.


                                      you can pretty much play on auto pilot and no map awareness


                                        My advice is to play on your strengths. You already have a positive winrate. When I was about 1.9k-2k mmr I had 48% winrate and really wanted to get better so badly. So I read guides and got on gameleap and others services. Watched TONS of replays (I still do) and slowly climbing.

                                        Pick your heroes where you have a 60%+ winrate (void, storm, etc) and who are versatile (storm). It may seem counter-intuitive because you're already good with storm, but the better you get at any one of those heroes, the better you will be at this game as a whole.

                                        On the opposite spectrum, you need to play heroes you've never played before. Get a feel for how invoker plays, memorize his orb spells so you know that he's about to cast sunstrike. Know the cooldowns of ultimates and lots of other things. Get better at being aggressive with all sorts of heroes. If you find yourself going against a certain hero that you despise and often lose against, then play that hero and learn every single weakness you can find.

                                        I'm far from an expert but hope that helps. I know it has helped me and there is a lot more advice that can be given but I don't want to write a book :D Good luck mate

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                          @op you and me are in fairly similar situations. Dont listen to ^ this guys third paragraph, you really don't need to play heroes you don't know. Play whatever you want to but adapt to your teams needs and try to play heroes you're comfortable on in ranked. If you get the feeling that you really want to play a hero that you're not comfortable on go play it in unranked. Also I would watch pro games, they're really helpful for getting a feel of how to play and what different heroes should do. especially ones your not comfortable with.

                                          saint nuk

                                            Thanks for the feedback everyone!


                                              @bearchat0611 yes you're correct, don't play heroes you don't know in ranked!! I meant unranked or even vs bots. I practice a lot vs bots and even in demo mode; create enemy heroes and practice combos, last hits, creep aggro, etc. Overall great advice^


                                                spam zues mid


                                                  do you want to join my team?


                                                    5k is also shit, no one can teach you anything in dota, im sorry, dota is just random playing and maybe winning, maybe losing

                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                      My advice is to play on your strengths.

                                                      dude knows


                                                        Practice vs bots OMEGALUL
                                                        Practice in unranked, there isn't even a point to practicing against bots since ur literally gonna autowin no matter how braindead u r.
                                                        I HAD A BOT LUNA ON MY TEAM GET A RAMPAGE ONCE


                                                          @Washed Up playing vs bots has nothing to do with winning, lol. You play bot games to practice combos. I used to load a game with zero bots as timbersaw just to practice hitting the correct trees and landing my ulti correctly. It helped tremendously and in a lot less time than it would take to practice those combos in real games.

                                                          I say "bot" games but I really mean custom lobby games. Demo mode isn't good for practicing things that require the majority of the map.


                                                            I'll give you the best advice you'll ever get. Don't take advices from anyone below Divine or high Ancient rank. Especially not from Legend or Archons because if we actually had any idea of how to play this game on some good level we woudln't be 2k or 3k.

                                                            With that being said, my piece of advice would be watching pro's and good players and trying to understand their decisions. Or trying to guess what they'll be doing in next 5 mins or so... Try to pick specific role or try to learn some small pool of heroes. Enjoy and play what you like.

                                                            Btw, literally, 2k/3ks/4ks shouldn't be allowed to help anyone. They suck themlselfs, it's just that they suck less compared to you, for example.