General Discussion

General Discussion3.5k max callibration mmr?

3.5k max callibration mmr? in General Discussion
うちは マダラ

    Help please im smurfing i reach VHS that means ur hidden mmr is 3.8k+ but some people says that 3.5k is the max callibration and i reached VHS which means i will go back to HS when the time I unlock ranked?

    Story Time

      the rumors are true, u are doomed to be in 3.5k mmr, but good news that your medal might be higher than legend2

      うちは マダラ

        So medals are higher than mmr after callibrating a VHS acc?

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
        Story Time

          as some people observed, the values of medal and mmr can diverge (pls post your case after calibration to prove this hypothesis)

          うちは マダラ

            Okay thanks for the reply


              capped at 3.5k, regardless of what u do

              うちは マダラ

                So 3.5 max?


                  you will calibrate at 3.5, get legend (1) or (2) probably
                  if you keep performing well you might get promoted to divine without having the usual 5k after another 5-10 games

                  im a regular ~3.5k player. theres smurfs in every other game, playing like 5k+. you shitheads ruin the game for me right now

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                  うちは マダラ

                    So smurfing is trash right now 3.5k max callibration is sht


                      i think you are shit

                      18 hours ago
                      Win %


                      うちは マダラ

                        No you are trash normal-hs player


                          ok sir, whatever you say :)

                          うちは マダラ

                            I didnt came here to talk sh* i just asked simple questions


                              and i gave you the answer with a little bit of spice on top. time to deal with it instead of starting another pointless argument on the internet


                                Max calibration is 4999, trust me.

                                I calibrated at 4080 mmr two years ago...


                                  ^But they changed it since then to reduce the number of smurfs and to discourage accounty selling/buying