General Discussion

General DiscussionDaFUQ Underlord

DaFUQ Underlord in General Discussion

    That hero had consistent 55%+ winrate in all skillbrackets for months. we all know why, hes a pain in lane and even wins teamfights after going 0/10 vs a cancer trilane

    right now, hes still 53-56% in <5k mmr, while >5k he dropped to 48%
    i dont get this

    meanwhile omniknight almost 58% in >5k

    Lruce Bee

      A lot of heroes do well in sub 5k and drop off after 5k. Nothing unusual about that. Also you could be looking at the weekly winrates which have more variance


        can you please not post in my topics mr hansolo sir
        thx in advance

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          ^ one of the many reasons why i love you ..
          There seems to be a glitch in the winrates of heroes on dotabuff this past week as several others have complained with hero winrates being displayed as incorrect so we need further confirmation from mods


            i dont think so honestly
            theres sth strange going on in 5k+ right now. heroes who succeed up to 4k are super trash suddenly, while unplayable shit has super crazy winrates. and im not talking about the usual skill difference, whisp meepo and that shit. its lycan, elder titan, bounty hunter...
            im looking forward to a massive meta change

            gonna start playing lycan today

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

              I don't know if that's particularly the reason, but imo Atrophy aura is a silent ability, it does tons of impact without being noticed at all. In lower mmr therefore people aren't playing around it since it goes unnoticed, while at higher mmr it is being treated and played around

              People are correctly laning against underlord and are making sure to pressure him so he will habe very little impact


                underlord doesnt care about pressure
                you trilane vs monkey, shaman and ogre, you feed them, and by 15min you took all outer towers because once youre level 10 nobody can stand in firestorm

                he used to be 54% winrate in 5k+, too. did i miss the nerfs?


                  Don’t forget he can take rosh quite fast too. Ask guy with cartman profile what he thinks, but hero is really strong in the right hands. He can provide map control and also use that map control, at least thats what I feel playing him. And he’s a fat fuck, later on I could swear with a few armor items I ate a whole omnislash and was at half health. Maybe that’s another reason


                    being tanky af is the reason why he falls off in 5k+ right now?

                    Lruce Bee

                      If you bothered to look at the large sample of data available across all heroes, you would note that winrate is never consistent across brackets. There are easy and plausible explanations why that is the case seeing as how different brackets are often characterised by vastly different play styles.

                      You could compare underlord to spectre who has a similar drop off after 5k.

                      However, my money is on weekly variance.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        you didnt get my point

                        underlord used to be sth like 54% even in 5k+. now hes at 48% without recieving any direct or indirect nerfs i know of

                        Lruce Bee

                          A lot of heroes fall off at higher brackets due to greater coordination in teams resulting in the heroes' skill set becoming slightly lacklustre.

                          Lruce Bee


                            That is precisely why I said it is weekly variance. Because I believe underlord is still a good hero.


                              lmao :')


                                Oh I thought you meant he’s op


                                  Maybe a bug, no way he falls off that hard