General Discussion

General DiscussionTips to play IO?

Tips to play IO? in General Discussion
Potato PC

    I've been playing IO for a while, but i can't improving recently. Any tips to play IO, especially as solo support in 2K SEA?


      In terms of specific wisp tips I'm not sure as you probably know all of them.
      Remember wisp doesn't have to turn to do things, if you're fast you can hit someone while running away (I think overcharge has to be on)

      Otherwise, you probably aren't using smokes enough, placing wards in GOOD spots (spots that actually achieve an objective instead of just throwing them around onto the nearest cliff there is), and you probably aren't stacking enough (very nice with wisp spend time using your spirits for stacking).

      You ganking mid probably is not happenning, but your a wisp so...

      Your issue is probably with the game more than it is with wisp.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

        try bowling the enemies

        steff ou dzi

          why would u play io in 2k? go git gud first than learn heroes like io meepo etc. friendly advice. gl


            Stop being a donut and you will win.


              manage w cd so u have 1000 nuke damage on someone

              pick io when u have luna, visage , gyro




                  permanent free aghs bird. not main tether target


                    Try focusing on sustaining your team first, dont go for those sick relo plays yet but rather sustain your cores etc then move on to tge more advanced stuff

                    Potato PC

                      Thanks for the tips :
                      1. True i'm not using smokes, but half times because team simply move forward ALONE or/and without any plan.
                      2. I shouldn't have much problem placing wards since 2K player have similar pattern and they usually don't have proper support anyway.
                      3. I don't stack often because my team often ganked or fight even the chance to win is low.
                      4. I'll try manage W (spirits) better


                        i always recommend to not play heroes like invoker, whisp, tb, arc... in normal skill

                        you cant play around your team when they dont know how your hero works