General Discussion

General Discussion2k and 3k as a support

2k and 3k as a support in General Discussion

    so, i was a lower 2k player before 7.07, and i uninstalled dota due to irl reasons(nagging mom, score, potato pc, lp, etc) and recently i just reinstalled dota. of course as an aftereffect my skill detoriated, but i still know how to support due to playing various other mobas on mobile and pc (at least the mentals, and btw i dont learn on mobile legends just fyi). this recent, i played on my friend's old account and played with an average of legend rank(which i suppose should be around 3k avg) and saw a quite of skill gap between them (though some are truly shit), and here's what i found:

    1. lower 2ks generally have no sense of fear. they would go far further from where i put ward (coz the plan was to safe farm at that moment) without any sense of fear. even when i pinged (x) they dont b

    2. both 2ks and 3ks still picks selfishly, however 3ks tend to still be able to survive when one/two picks support, while 2ks tend to not utilize support as whole

    3. mid ganks are quite rare in 2k, heck they ask for ganks from the mid sometimes like it's compulsory when the mid itself sometimes are losing

    4. 2ks tend to not control their creep. though this can be handled if there are support, but sometimes it ended up messing the equilibrium.

    as a support, can i reach 3k with these teammate? can't seem to get out from the hell though

    edit: forgot to add
    5. rarely targets the most annoying one in war. either the thickest one or the one near to them.

    6. keeping space when there are aoe enemies like enigma, axe, etc. while this problem is a rarity, it still exist in 2k

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    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      Weird, I'm 1k and in general people here handle vision pretty well
      Decision making is the main problem, vision and usage of the support assistance is definitely a thing


        it's not the sense of vision about someone pushing or else, but the way they think about what the vision is. like when you put the ward around the river, yet the carry goes farm at the enemy jungle solo, furthermore on the lower ground.

        easy target for an ambush

        and yeah i worded it wrongly, should be sense of fear. edited.

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        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

          Also I don't think people in general at this mmr are selfish. People gives much less credit to other people than they deserve

          There are selfish undoubtedly, but much more often then not I find myself being paired with people which really just want to have good time as a team.
          And very frequently people are stealing tge support position from me ;-;

          And like in 4 games I played we were 5 supports

          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

            And like in 4 games I played we were 5 supports

            Something that comes to my mind, which reverse draft would be stronger? 5 carries or 5 supports? (for the drafters I mean)


              2- selfish picks are a thing in every skill level of pubs

              3- watch me play bara :D anyway its harder to gank mid, you will have to ward, smoke, bring 3 heroes and wait for night time most cases

              4- as a support player, just pull every minute and be happy about the extra exp. watch the minimap tho and stay in range to save your dumbass carry player because he doesnt back up in time probably. or pick lich, problem solved.
              what you want to do in sub 3k as support player is: find the one core player in your team who has the best potential of using his brain. stick with that dude, make sure he has a good game. in the end he will type "/all commend me" because hes 20/5 and not mention what you did, but i guess you won the game so be happy

              5- they attack the closest enemy? position the enemy next to them. play venge, buy forcestaff on every hero, concider pudge. i had huge success with venge in 2k, repositioning and vision are 2 great tools on one hero

              6- i got 5man blackholed yesterday in a 3.5k average game, thats all i say


                "And like in 4 games I played we were 5 supports
                Something that comes to my mind, which reverse draft would be stronger? 5 carries or 5 supports? (for the drafters I mean)"

                5 supports is the very fact that it is a selfish pick, and i believe two or three will act as the carry anyway
                a good team should at least have carries, support, tanks, and disabler(within the 3 roles). though this might seems less important on 1k scrub, but as you goes up it will matter more. playing all cores will make one or two or all the carries fail due to lack of lh, while all support will just make your team thinner

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                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                  Reverse draft i meant reverse cm, where you draft the other team

                  Ofcourse stunless team is priority, but should I opt for 5 supports or 5 carries?


                    "what you want to do in sub 3k as support player is: find the one core player in your team who has the best potential of using his brain. stick with that dude, make sure he has a good game. in the end he will type "/all commend me" because hes 20/5 and not mention what you did, but i guess you won the game so be happy"
                    "position the enemy next to them. play venge, buy forcestaff on every hero, concider pudge. i had huge success with venge in 2k, repositioning and vision are 2 great tools on one hero"

                    yeah will consider to do so, great advice thanks.

                    "i got 5man blackholed yesterday in a 3.5k average game, thats all i say"
                    enigma probably got brains, good thing 2k scrub doesn't have them, 5 man is quite rarity but 3-4 man is


                      pick the following:


                      watch the entire enemy team jungling

                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                        Well any semi competitive team will spread it well, np and axe can be used as supports, you have decent lockdowns and you can bunker on lifestealer and bs to get objectives. You are also a great ganker with lifestealer, axe and legion
                        That's definitely a team that can work in the right environment


                          we are talking about 2k, arent we

                          Justin Weaver

                            I spammed pudge from 2k to 3k, just gank their midlaner, the chance of them having more than one support is very rare, so nobody will tp mid even if you do it multiple times. And there it starts their team starts saying gg mid, noob sf end fast. xD enjoy triggering the enemy team