General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvantages of a Support Player Over a Strict Midlaner

Advantages of a Support Player Over a Strict Midlaner in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    It goes without saying a mid player who solely plays mid has an advantage over him in lane mechanics, but I have seen support players have way better map awareness than midlaners (the dedicated support players, that is). I play Invoker a lot, so i have half decent map awareness, but as an example, there was a Treant in my game, who literally saved our team from over 10+ deaths with his clutch heals and perfectly timed ultimates. What else do you think they do better?


      i play sup
      no dude, i wanna play sup
      fuck off, i marked first
      can we roll for it
      no man, i play sup or i feed.

      commend me, i am best lich player in 2k

      this is gg, my support lost his lane to a bristleback

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다


          Support players usually have a better understanding of how the game works, and are better in game leaders
          speaking from experience


            Roamers have so much better map awareness cause they are simply roaming the whole map


              theres a tinker in this game?

              me playing carry, pushing a tier 1, enemy mid just got an ultrakill

              Palmen aus Plastik

                melt, what even are you on about?


                  nothing too serious

                  Story Time

                    how can a dota player be a strict position player in pub games? Are u focking pro there or what? U cant play good a single role without knowing all 5 roles... and if you think that you can, think again and look at your mmr


                      TL;DR I am waiting for a electric guy to leave my house and a wall of text will emerge out of this

                      as someone who spamms support I can only speak for myself but I don't think it will differ a lot to the general support mindset that you are asking for(or at least that is what I understood from this thread)

                      I probably lost my invoker map awareness because I didn't play him in dota 2 at all others than for the all hero challenge, I would probably land a sunstrike 1 out of 6 times if even that much and I will get rekt mid because I prefer qw invoker even tho I understand it is worse in the current meta

                      I also depend much more on my team for signals of incoming ganks even tho I could spot the most obvious ones myself since the 2 wards I buy are for the midlaner and for the offlaner
                      It is less of helping them but more of helping myself to percieve incoming ganks and decide if I want to turn this or just tp in for some free last hits. When I see none of this in the equation I just ignore the gank and apologize to the laner with someone like "sorry didn't see it" or "sorry I don't think we could do it" etc

                      the problem with these apologizes is that people have a short attention spam to everything other than failure of someone else. that means as much as if they see something happening twice or even three times where they have been let down by the team they become spoiled brats and spill their ego in the comments, mostly all chat. It is some sort of ego boost trip where they want to make sure everybody think someone else is fault for what is happening to them.

                      Of course, noone is interested in this sort of stuff so the enemy players mostly just ignore people like this, that is also one of the reasons I have enemy chat perma muted because I literally don't care about them during the game. Also the mute button is well used on your team if you see the described behaviour from agove on anybody from your tam, no matter which role it is.
                      I am not talking from high up right here, I had games where I flamed for no reason, I just don't use all chat or at least I try not to write all chat.

                      You might think "Ok what has this to do with map awareness?"
                      First of all, you can't see everything, that should be pretty obvious. You are partially dependent on your teammates output if they are willing to write something usefull. That is why you should always try to inform your team of some really important things on the map:
                      -no enemy safelaner on the lane
                      -no enemy [insert dangerous roamer] in sight
                      -enemy smoked at [map location]
                      -enemy used [good teamfight ulty]
                      -also notice that you should point out how and if they failed, it will boost your teams confidence too if they get the info that someone of the enemy team failed

                      in general you should point out to your teammates if something funny happened involved the enemy team just to loosen up the tentions that are always existing in your team
                      on the other side if fails of your own team happen just laugh a bit about it and try to ignore it as fast as possible, this also is followed by the consecutive occurrance of fail events, for example if an enigma pgg's your black holes more than 2 times on the map, there is no way you can ignore it anymore, there are good and bad ways to deal with it tho, flaming and blaming is one of the bad ways for sure

                      This might be seen as a nonrelated issue to map awareness but you have to make sure that none of your actions is affecting your teams map awareness in a negative way, and even tho you might think pointing out the obvious isn't necessary at times, still do it, you never know when your teammates are deconcentrated

                      this boils down to the reason why good supports are good: they make their teams peform better than they usually do because of the decisions they make
                      mmr wise this could be said in the manner of: if you are playing good at your support role you should enhance your teammates performance overall, depending on how good you are the average mmr of your team could be boosted by +200 mmr per player you affected, I doubt it can be any higher

                      not to brag or anything but I had a lot of games where are safelaner was on 0 deaths and a few kills with a lot of damage input writting something along the lines of "I don't remember doing anything in the game"
                      that is your goal as a support

                      on the other note I manage to fail some games where I am the one saying "I don't remember doing anything in the game" and we still win


                        ^too long to read

                        Palmen aus Plastik

                          @storytime - you cannot, but you'd prefer to, given the chance. Plus you will feel most comfortable in a lane, while being below average in others. I speak for myself of course. Just because I don't get mid every game doesn't mean I am not a better mid laner than I am an offlaner or safelaner. Maybe approach it with that perspective. That being said, you are correct in your reply that we must know all positions to get good at the game. But that also painfully implies you missed the point of the thread.