General Discussion

General DiscussionEarly game as storm spirit

Early game as storm spirit in General Discussion

    I think this hero is really underwhelming durin the early game, especially during the laning stage. There's almost no way for me to win a lane if there's no one in my teaming rotating mid to gank my enemy. And its really hard to survive the lane against lane bully, like tinker viper etc (sometime even pa or sniper if i havent reached lvl 6). What should i do if im in this situation? Should i just fall back to jungle or hug the tower if the enemy is rotating actively?


      im not a mid player but from what i know you push out the lane with Q and jungle


        if you're getting recked on lane, don't skill your ult at lv 6, max 1 and 3, buy clarities and go jungle


          ^this is rlly dumb advice
          In fact if ur getting rekt in lane and u don't take ulti at 6 they'll kill u, if a support rotates once ur dead
          As storm u suffer a lot against lane dominators, just chill in lane, ferry Regen, don't go too aggressive, and try to die as little as possible. Jungle, and shove out lanes and gank at 6. Usually u don't want to gank as a mid, however storm is pretty good at it, and if ur getting shat on mid its nice to make space on other parts of the map and threaten them to force their mid to try to help. If their mid tries to counteract ur ganking, either kill him since storm can do that even from behind if he gets the jump on u, or take ur free farm mid. It's all abt controlling the game to what u want and forcing ur enemy to deal with u, not the other way around.


            What do you need ult for when you can buy blink :WeSmart:


              As long as Storm gets farm, he wins a lane. You don't win the lane by shutting the enemy, but by getting farmed. Storm in many games is the best late game hero. Your killing potential in the lane is really low before lvl 7-8 and PT+Wand (& in a lot of matchups u need a good rune too). You shouldn't gank as Storm if u are not sure u can get a kill (there is nth sadder than expending mana & not getting a frag). I wouldn't call him underwhelming in the early game - he farms fast, has a decent solo kill potential (after lvl 6), and is super hard to kill past lvl 6, and is great vs melee in the lane (and decent vs most range). How is that underwhelming? There are stronger early game heroes, but it's hard to find better late game one. You shouldn't expect him to be ultra strong in the early. As for the answer - u stay in the lane as long as possible, only go jungle if there is no way to stay there & get any farm. You should just improve ur laning, his laning is good enough to do well vs 95% of heroes.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                ^he isn't underwhelming as a hero, just in comparison to the meta mid stompers like tink viper sf even qop


                  In lane that is
                  U gotta just get used to the hero

                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    As long as Storm gets farm, he wins a lane. You don't win the lane by shutting the enemy, but by getting farmed.

                    exactly. You dont need flashy first blood or harrassment. Secure last hit. Rotate to jungle whenever posible. Steal runes. Tp to other lan whenever you see a winnable clash. By the you have your bloodstone on around 15+mins, wear your sunglasses and slowly say,

                    it's time


                      U go Kaya first
                      If u have bloodstone and Kaya at 15 min u shud also have perfect cs and killed the midlaner like 5 times
                      Which is so unrealistic
                      Please purchase Kaya on this hero

                      < blank >

                        Storm spirit players are small dick sized


                          No u have big dick if u dive t1 at lvl 6


                            Yeah difficult till lvl 6....than you have escape but youre still dogshit,if enemy stick and go for early finish its gg you can't do anything expect ks


                              If enemy stick u out farm them
                              If they separate u pick them off
                              Storm is a gr8 hero because of Kaya, do not underestimate his potential to pick you apart if u lack disable or give him space by grouping together.