General Discussion

General DiscussionHeartpiercer over shield crash on pangolier

Heartpiercer over shield crash on pangolier in General Discussion

    Ive seen a lot of high level players max heartpiercer (after q obviously).
    I suppose it adds a bit of utility in terms of the slow and a bit more damage from armor reduction, however, on early levels there is barely any armor anyways and pango does not want to go in melee and attack.
    Shield crash does require much more mana sustain, but it allows you to clear waves since like level 8, gives a lot of magical burst in ult (kill potential on 6 is quite important imo) and also dmg reduction which is also nice.
    So whats the reason people max heartpiercer?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      i have no idea how to play this hero but i just dont see how people dont max shield crash first, even before swashbuckle.


        well the damage on q scales just a little bit slower than on shield crash, plus lower cooldown with each level and lower manacost overall means you can use it for both harassing and escaping (and somewhat frequently too).


          the thing with his q is that it gives you early on a lot of ways to deal damage to the safelaner(I didn't play him on any other lane) and on top of that the escape mechanism is just insane considering that you can eventually even throw in a few hits while escaping

          his q is by far his best skill damage wise, that is why the basher and mkb builds are so popular on that hero

          that being said I don't really play a lot of panglo but I think the prefered skill is q w q e q r q, after that you can max whatever fits your playstile

          people probably avoid maxing q first because they are not used to vectors and thus miss a lot of easy damage deal ways

          at level 12 you are basicly deleting supports with one q, even without the follow up w


            i probably didnt make it clear in the post itself, but maxing q is pretty straightforward. Some players like to skip shield crash though and get e instead - which is quite weird to me.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              Pang is usually played offlane so shield crash can save u from a quick ambush and it scales well with the lvls too and u can efficiently trade hits with the safelaner


                @DĀRTH ŠÎŃ
                yeah exactly, so why do people get heartpiercer?


                  Vs a terrorblade or troll beacaue they have high armour, but u really have to ask the high skilled player im not that good myself


                    It also gives u solo kill potential on some supports after lvl 7 making ur power spike come really fast


                      im pretty sure u shud max shield crash first
                      if ur going singx2 6 slotted javelins crap then max q first, otherwise it seems dumb


                        I suppose heartpiercer is quite good against heroes with starting armor, yes, but you rarely want to manfight carry as an offlaner anyways, since its almost always 1v2


                          @Washed Up
                          well idk about 6 slotted javelins, but 2-3 javelins after arcane boots (or aquila) is standard afaik


                            Idk y they make arcane pt is way better if u can switch efficiently.


                              I wasnt being literal abt 6, but if u see singsing u will see how much he prioritizes javelins
                              There r other pangolin players who build items like blink Sr vanguard euls instead of ur "standard afaik" javelins just fyi
                              The hero is super versatile


                                well the damage of those javelins can't be ignored, it is just insane how early you can just stomp the other side with that build for only 1100 gold each javelin

                                I fear a panglo with 3 javelins more than a panglo with a vanguard and a blink

                                what I experienced is the constant lack of mana tho but his split push and flash farm abilties are just insane

                                but a single pudge hook makes him irrelevant, that is probably the reason why he has such a low winrate comparet to dark willow


                                  Op asking why high mmr players go for heart piercer over shield crash first while normal skills boobs here talking about Q and javelins and sticks to shove up their ass... reading is that hard? Lol


                                    I wasnt being literal abt 6, but if u see singsing u will see how much he prioritizes javelins
                                    There r other pangolin players who build items like blink Sr vanguard euls instead of ur "standard afaik" javelins just fyi
                                    The hero is super versatile

                                    Please dunt follow my bro's advice, he just finish his drugs rehabilitation

                                    Btw, look at his 2k mmr