General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane is 7.07

Offlane is 7.07 in General Discussion

    Help pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssssse! Ty!
    Tell anything you know of :D

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      Just solo kill the enemy trilane and you're gucci


        easy life. honestly, offlane is no big deal right now
        pick underlord, keep an eye on the enemy supports. tell your team to leave you alone get level 3, press Q on creepwave. ward your own bounty rune if the supports didnt do it for you. both supports missing or in your lane = hug your tower


          Hello OP

          Offlane done right is really fun. Just think how can you be the most annoying as possible, know your heros strengths and weaknesses and you’re fine and don’t feed, its ok that your not getting farm as long as they are committing enough resources to stop you


            thinking about it, knowing your hero is probably the most valuable skill.
            i look at the matchup and know how deep i can go without feeding, or how much i can risk to die without loosing my impact midgame.

            like, on underlord it doesnt matter at all. you can be 0/10 and win teamfights with brown boots magic wand. so i just walk into the lane and nuke a creepwave. also, ult provides the option tp base, regen and come back instantly.

            on lc i tend to retire to the jungle vs trilanes and only depush, i want that blink asap. once the supports leave i walk to the lane and smack teh shit out of the carry's face. i need him to complain and be like i need support or i go feed. when the supports come back i press q, somebody is dead and i walk away

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              Specify heroes OP. Because they’re all played differently


                But generally your job is basically:

                1.) be annoying
                2.) attract attention
                3.) not feed
                4.) still have enough to be a core
                5.) come online ASAP
                6.) have fun

                Seriously, offlane can be stressfull sometimes and it’s important to keep calm and get as much out of a lane as possible


                  as long as u made sure that theres 2 supports around top all the time u did your job


                    And both your mid and safe lane are lost
                    ^Happens almost everytime


                      i ment enemy supports


                        Buy boots level one and hijack their creep wave


                          Melt I know. People usually fail to win their safe/mid lane even though I tryhard and drew the common 1v3 offlanes


                            i dont see a problem. carry the game from your offlane.
                            this is basically why i spam offlaners who can carry

                            chicken spook,,,,

                              Safelane is 7.06


                                Trilane mid is 7.07


                                  I try and play two styles of offlane heroes.

                                  1. The initiator. Clockwerk, Nyx, Sandking, Earthshaker, that kind of stuff. Farm is less important than levels on these heroes, though you will obv still do better with farm. On blink core heroes, still try and learn how to make an impact without blink. I try and be annoying and attract both supports to have to deal with me. If I feed once, it isn't the end of the world, especially if I'm getting some farm and (in theory) more XP than the enemy carry. After a few minutes, if you juke them well enough, or they have a hard time pulling and creeps come to your tower, you should have out leveled them by a 1-2. Then I start making plays around the map, returning to the offlane to keep my tower from dying. Mostly you should play with your team.

                                  2. The "problem" hero. Stuff like Bristleback, Timbersaw, Abaddon, Underlord, Clockwerk too. I've also had success with offlane Chaos Knight last year (77% winrate, mostly off) and with offlane Mirana (unsure how well they work now though). They're tanky and/or hard to kill, have high damage, and do well late game. I sit in my lane, creep skip, "restrained" tower dive, always keep the enemy near death, and just generally be much more of an absolute problem that ES or SK could ever be in lane. Predict when support TPs and make them waste their time trying to kill the unkillable. Again, feeding *can* be ok, as long as the enemy have to spend many resources and time doing so. Eventually they might just abandon the lane. Then you take T1. Repeat around T2. If you've done good, team might want to play around you, instead of you around them. Though still optional.

                                  These are just my own styles at my own low skill bracket. Can't guarantee it works with everyone, or at other brackets. Just that it does for me. Which of these two I adopt depends on draft, and on the feel of the early game. It's possible to be wrong and misread what needs to be done.

                                  The variance is whether the enemy carry stays in lane past the laning phase or not. I played vs a Slark recently as Clockwerk. Normally I would have started rotating and making early plays (I did, a bit), Slark stayed in his lane instead of helping his team or jungling. So I felt I could keep on negatively impacting his farm by being on his ass into the midgame.

                                  Other variance might be like when playing Abaddon, normally I like to stay in lane and be a greedy annoying fuck, but if your team is fighting a lot and can use your heal/shield, especially vs melee heroes, then do help them.

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