General Discussion

General DiscussionShadow Fiend First item Sange Yasha.

Shadow Fiend First item Sange Yasha. in General Discussion

    I try i love it. I just want to know, does that item not suitable with new meta item. What cons if u choose that as first item? since my game mostly normal skill, i want to know does my choice is bad.Thanks for responses. Cheers :)


      its fine, but u shud get drums first imo

      also sometimes u want blink before sny and not sny before blink


        sf has a highly versatile build imo

        my big question is i guess
        is it ok to go magic early with euls and blink and transition to more right click items
        is it ok to build physical early and transition to eblade


          if i blink 1st,im scared i cant survive(cause sf health so little on early game). i rarely buy drums, im scared if i buy drum it will holding me back when in late game. if blink + drums,i dont feel like buying sange yasha though. will not it be better if i invest in damge item or bkb?


            He has 1.2-1.4k hp how's that " so little" lol?
            You need to know on who to jump on and insta kill the enemy.


              heroes with a good combo of spell dmg and physical dmg like sf can make any itembuild work


                i like washed up suggestion. physical early>ebdlade. sounds op and my way of playing. cause blink+eul ,meh miss ulti gg ah. miss ulti with puny health confirm die.haha


                  Drum sny is easy to build and works for me.


                    why would you care about missing your ulty, you can't miss it forever

                    that is how you get good at a hero, you see what works and what doesn't, if you don't try it you will never get better

                    with time you see where your limits are and adapt to it with a certain hero, you learn best out of your mistakes


                      well i will try drum next time when i play as shadow fiend then. Thanks for suggestions . Cheers guys. At least my idea is not that bad and applicable at higher skill bracket.


                        most improtant thing: you can make Badum-Tzzz after missing a euls-ult combo when you actually have drums

                        imo its not too bad. we see pros buy S&Y on sven alot, because its a nice midway between dps, hp and mobility. why not on sf?


                          Zemos-san i care cause when playing rank and i misses eul-ulti combo, all my teammate gonna flame me noob.hahahaha. im too lazy to practice at unranked. nowadays i have limited time to play dota. Playing rank is the only time i can spare to play, ranks is fun and make me feel like i progressing to be a better player.


                            you can practice that in "test hero" mode bro

                            like 15 times per minute


                              Lmao Melt. XDD (Y)


                                yeah maybe i should. I will bro ,i will. Nice talk with u guys though.


                                  Drums sny and the movespeed talent makes sf a racecar
                                  It allows u to kite out the enemy, makes u much harder to kill

                                  Palmen aus Plastik

                                    it's great probably. but i wish you didn't waste the magic damage meta SF got so many years later. It was a boring right click hero for so long until he got this update. I'm worried if you go SnY you'll miss all the fun!


                                      bro to be honest when u play eul-ulti combo u cant win most of the game right?haha. ;). watch ur stats as SF on ur recently game.all games with eul that u buy, most of it u lose aite. im not degrading u please dont mad, just discussing. :) .


                                        but thank you for your opinion really appreciated.


                                          Euls combo is wait 1 1/2 seconds and ult. All it is.


                                            it takes a couple tries to get used to but its not too hard


                                              watching my friend around 3k as SF right now. this blink plus eul combo.every team fight this SF puny health, he barely survive any fight. TBH even sniper buy dragon lance has more health then him hahhahaha.

                                              ㄚ- 天照`

                                                Drum sange yasha is my go-to build right now,but i rarely play sf on this acc coz right now i'm tilt af


                                                  Bro 김태형 recent game you as sf, when u buy eul u lost quite a lot. i guess that build is not that good though XD. guess only pro player can execute it perfectly. XD

                                                  Palmen aus Plastik

                                                    LOL. you're a nice sort. I'm telling you what's a fun build and you're looking at my stats. I'll have you know both Sumail and No One are using Drums EUL Blink. Don't watch my games, watch theirs. Strange fellow...


                                                      Ok sorry2. sorry making u mad.


                                                        Why does his new build have him feeling so squishy. Honestly it’s taking some getting used to because I’m used to a tankier sf


                                                          I feel u kara-jishi. T_T. This new build suck. I hate it. Maybe cause i low skill lool.


                                                            Yes you are a glass cannon but you have to play around that
                                                            You deal so much dmg that with blink you can set up triple raze easily to pick off supports
                                                            With the euls added to it you can now pick off carries as well
                                                            You don't play the same way, u burst people and stay at the edges of fights and move in for the kill when it's presented to u


                                                              Yeah he feels more like a tinker in that regards. What are the pro/cons of going this build as opposed to more right click/lifesteal and hp like an actual late game carry, as opposed to a tempo play like magic? I know his burst is insane but he has so many different item choices.


                                                                The cons r u rely more on early tempo
                                                                Pros r ur burst and pickoff r way better
                                                                Also u split push incredibly well

                                                                What I think is better is going magic talents for 10, 15, and 20 even if ur going right click build
                                                                It gives u the great farming speed of magic build as well as the more consistent and less positioning based dmg and is easier to execute
                                                                Magic sf isn't as easy to learn imo as regular right click sf

                                                                ㄚ- 天照`

                                                                  i'm using eul blink cause at my MMR if i ever go into any other build they would blame me,but still sange yasha-drums rocks!


                                                                    The cons r u rely more on early tempo
                                                                    Pros r ur burst and pickoff r way better
                                                                    Also u split push incredibly well
                                                                    What I think is better is going magic talents for 10, 15, and 20 even if ur going right click build
                                                                    It gives u the great farming speed of magic build as well as the more consistent and less positioning based dmg and is easier to execute
                                                                    Magic sf isn't as easy to learn imo as regular right click sf

                                                                    Wait son, drink your medicine first

                                                                    You just finish ur drugs rehabilitation, remember?


                                                                      Magic SF is as dumb as magic ember imo. Both silly builds of the hero and IMO dumb design choices by the developer to try and make those the 'builds' by giving them those talents.

                                                                      Lruce Bee

                                                                        Drums is entirely a waste if you're going carry sf and not ganking sf as you will probably sell it later on for better items anyway (like heart or Daedalus) However, since most games require you to gank other lanes to help secure a win, perhaps drums is nice as you can build it from bracer to tank up.


                                                                          heart and daedalus on sf

                                                                          drums is about synergy on that hero with the current itembuild and lets you skip the nerfed af bottle
                                                                          movementspeed that gets amp'd by euls and agi bonus even further
                                                                          flat mana regen
                                                                          int to increse the manaregen you get from drums itself and aquila
                                                                          some hp, some armor on top. perfect.


                                                                            There are about 500 different ways you can build and itemize SF, which is why he's a popular hero.


                                                                              what if
                                                                              diffusal sf


                                                                                power thread 1350-aquila 965-drums 1615 -eul 2750-blink 2250= 8930 , Sange yasha 3900-bottle 650-aquila 965-power thread 1350 =6865 . i still think sange yasha 1st a better idea lol.


                                                                                  i'd skip drums or aquila if s&y, that build deals more rightclick dmg and you will probably only single raze most neutrals


                                                                                    I agree with you melt. ;)

                                                                                    Lruce Bee

                                                                                      If you need right click damage it is better to go Mom sny shadowblade


                                                                                        i try mom, really2 bad idea brooo.


                                                                                          MoM used to be ok
                                                                                          But there is no need since razes r better at farming and MoM has been nerfed consistently every patch
                                                                                          U go drums even with sny since the movement speed synergy
                                                                                          The way it works as atakan explained (I think it was him) is that u usually want an item on sf to be able to group and take the outer towers. It used to be mek in the old days, then lance more recently, now it's drums.
                                                                                          If u single raze neutrals ur just slowing down ur farming speed.
                                                                                          Get both Aquila and drums.
                                                                                          Also blink euls is obviously more expensive but the individual 2k gold items give more to SF than sny as a a whole. Blink allows u to play super aggressive if u get it first as u can deal huge burst dmg and use blink to set up the 3 razes. Euls gives pickoff potential and great farming sustain. Sny is a good all around pickup but it doesn't do anything special, not until u reach level 15 imo with the talent

                                                                                          For the horde

                                                                                            Advantage of blink eul is infinite razes and very fast farm, if u own mid u go blink first if u are equal u go eul and just raze everything stack neutrals go back raze mid go back stack and raze those shits, i love that blink eul build but true is that u have to have some team that is using space u are creating as u can end game in 15-20 min in 1k xd


                                                                                              New ply style is much more interesting than old one
                                                                                              And recently I played only magic build and I found it working
                                                                                              But with this build u r more squishy and u have to be good at positioning
                                                                                              Even in the late game u can kill enemy carry with eul ulty combo if u can do it properly


                                                                                                You go drum sny right click build or eul blink magic build, don’t mix and match imo. Also if you dont buy Aquila you are certainly playing dota 2 incorrectly.


                                                                                                  U dont give 24 hour player SF


                                                                                                    simple rules of life

                                                                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                                      I won't give you SF either