General Discussion

General DiscussionFarming advice for a low MMR scrub.

Farming advice for a low MMR scrub. in General Discussion

    So I'm 1.5k MMR and usually play support but I'm getting sick of it and wanting to learn to carry. I've been playing AM in bots and doing real bad. 30 last hits at 10min and a 20min Battlefury everytime. Sure I get that it's practice but I'm so lost I don't even know what to work on to get better. Any advice?

    Lruce Bee

      Aside from practicing your timing ( which one can do in a lobby ) As a melee hero, it is generally not easy to walk up to last hit without an aggressive skill set so that the enemy fears you. You sometimes have to accept that you will get 30 last hits (maybe 50 in an easy lane).

      I think your battlefury timing is fine. Try rushing perseverance early (skip tangoes and other expensive items like stout) so you have enough sustain which melee heroes need. It should speed up your bf timing substAntialy


        I play mostly support, so wait for other answers, but basically whenever I play core I try to farm in the right places. Aggressive enough that I get something done, like push a wave, but safe enough I don’t die. Jungle gold isn’t as good this patch remember so only fall back as a last resort.


          well... if youre 1.5k, standard hard bots are probably better than what you get matched with in real games, they know basically how to use their abilities and they will group up to push. on top they are agressive in lane and deny so much, while the bot who is supposed to be your support will never harass. if you wanna practive laning vs bots go mid.

          also you can just do cookies lasthit challenges. make a lobby, no bots, just you. go to your lane and miss no single creep in 10min
          does somebody have the full list of challenges? i think the topic was deleted


            and please donteven read what hansolo writes. this dude has no idea how dota works. 49%winrate herald...

            /e nothing personal dude

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              ^ Please Ignore Han the last and first Harold thanks


                If you kill a creep you get gold. Kill more creep=faster bf timing

                Lruce Bee

                  It's fine, no offensive taken. This is after all a forum for people of all skill levels to provide their ideas and analysis. Although we can always respectfully agree to disagree. I don't think my winrate or medal (how I press buttons in a game) should determine if I have any idea what I'm talking about.

                  But I welcome all arguments and ideas at all levels as they all have their merits.


                    if you want to learn how to carry games and raise ur MMR i suggest you start with a hero easier than AM, maybe go for Juggernaut, wraith king, Phantom assassin.


                      am is a hard hero? imo hes pretty good to learn basic carry gameplay just because of his bread and butter 90% of all games same itembuild and the inbuilt escape
                      i used am to get used to treadsswitching

                      Lruce Bee

                        There is often no one size fit all solution. Understand that OP plays in a different tier than higher mmr players. Although skill levels are hardy Any different, the attitude and willingness to coordinate is very different. Hence a different approach is logical if one wants to succeed at lower tiers.

                        Lruce Bee

                          I do agree am is a deceptively harder hero to learn


                            I'm not talking about AM the concept i'm talking about the execution of the hero that demands high level of map awareness a good deal of last hitting and the timing of the battlefury which is fundamental. Split-Pushing, When to jump in to team fights and when to keep farming... Plus that you need to be farming all the time so yes i'd say Anti mage is harder to execute than to say PA in low Level MMRs


                              ^ First time to agree With Mr Solo.




                                  this topic is not about mastering a hero. this is to give a 1.5k player helpful advice in order to get more cs/min.
                                  it doesnt take much to get 10cs/min on am, thats much harder on a pa

                                  wk can get 200lh in <15min now btw


                                    ^ yep we don't disagree on this point..
                                    Just that AM is harder to execute in low MMRs and he wants to increase CS + Increase MMR so just Adding my Input

                                    Lruce Bee

                                      No one is talking about mastering. To play am at a basic level requires a lot more complex thinking process even if farming seems easy. And I don't think we're talking about farming either but having success on the hero which requires not just farming but balancing split pushin and team fights. Weak laning doesn't help In lower tiers. You can't get a good bf timing without good laning and you need bf early to accelerates farm during the mid game.

                                      Dawn has basically nailed it.


                                        am is shit for low tier pubs because of his weak laning, but for pure learning in botgames or custum lobbies hes one of the best choices imo

                                        Lruce Bee

                                          See what happens is most 1ks will get battlefury at 20 min because they can't hit creeps early. Fall further behind and have no impact a full 20 mins in, then spend the next 20 mins catching up. That's a full 40 mins of no impact while the pa, faced with the same situation, could just start killing people and snowball much sooner without ever needing to play catchup farm after trying to farm battlefury for 20mins.


                                            idk if i should rejoice or feel sad ...


                                              you cant kill ppl in a 1v0 practice lobby


                                                skip tangoes and other expensive items like stout

                                                lol really? U always want to pick up tango and stout shield if youre playing a melee carry. Dont listen to this guy

                                                Lruce Bee

                                                  Not if it does nothing for you in early game except let you stay in lane longer but not increase your cs. The sooner u have proper sustain and u can start being more self sufficient and get out of lane (on a hero with zero lane potential), with a better bf timing, the better.

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                    Staying longer in lane mean more cs. You wont be able to survive the first 5 minute especially against aggresive offlaner without going back to fountain, which making your bf timing slower. Investing 125 gold for tango and 200 gold for stout is better than going back to fountain every 2-3 minute. And also if youre not that good at last hitting you might want to pick up qblade

                                                    Lruce Bee

                                                      The amount of time longer you stay in lane vs the amount of cs increase it provides you, taking into account the trade off in cost of the items, makes it a very poor economic decision. Mind you, you will likely have a partner withh higher base damage contesting you for last hits while you tank all the harass from the enemy.


                                                        well, my conclusion is:
                                                        some ppl really deserve to be herald




                                                            Mm, focus on ur cs at laning stage and at the level 9/10, u can go farm at jungle safelane and help clear wave too.
                                                            U'd better farm until u get 3/4 item (pt, bf, manta or/and bkb/tarras)
                                                            just some advice from same mmr

                                                            Erdal Kömürcü

                                                              try it in lobby not with bots when you how much damage deal in per attack then you will be better in lasthitting and you can watch videos from pro players or some videos on youtube about lasthitting


                                                                Sometimes im unsure if i should feel sad about HanSolo being put down every time he tries to voice his opinion or about him being an idiot and not realising how wrong his views about this game are. People like him can play for years and still stay 1k or even below cause they're too stubborn to learn anything from players who are obviously superior to them. After all these posts it makes me wonder if this guy is a special case of retard or is he just that good at trolling.

                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                  ^ Nop no Trolling detected he's Purely retarded :D


                                                                    i was asking myself the same shit. then he started posting in a topic i made to get some serious opinions.


                                                                      here my advice since i also from 1k, climb till 2k. han solo suggestion is bad. to be a carry u must able to damage your enemy hard and receive damage from ur enemy hard. so lane stage is very important as am. stout shield tango and salve is a must. ( with that item u can stay at lane longer,stay longer =more exp and gold). u suck at last hit, fine cause ur early damage is shit, so u buy quell blade. quell blade=u have more damage to creep=its harder for opponent to deny u since u now have higher damage to creep then them. next always invest in power thread as am. if lane hard like hell,priorities brown boots then ring of health. after ring of health u must buy power thread. After finish ur battlefurry, split pusshing and defend when necessary = win game GG EZPZ.


                                                                        @HanSolo lmfao you're kidding right


                                                                          try sven , higher early damage and also free cleave , and im sure you gonna love him as much as i do. if your lane is pushed , try to take small camp and also dont forget to stack the camp before picking bounty runes


                                                                            ^ NoP hE AiN't KidDiNg

                                                                            Lruce Bee

                                                                              Why does anyone automatically assume my points are a joke just because you see my medal. Do I have to play seriously (a game I take very lightly) so that my points get across? Maybe I will have no choice if DB doesn't stop such blatant prejudice

                                                                              Lruce Bee

                                                                                I mean I'm pretty sure I'm better than most of the people here who love to tell me I'm wrong just based on my rank. I've held my own against 4k players many times. Not sure if you can say the same about yourselves.

                                                                                I could easily regurgitate the stereotypical advice "high" mmr players on this forum like to give. By high I mean 3k. I am well aware of meta builds. But I would regurgitate 3k advice, for a 3k player.

                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                  Plox Stop disrespecting Han

                                                                                  Lruce Bee

                                                                                    Getting out of the lower trenches requires much more creativity and flexibility in your thinking.

                                                                                    Story Time

                                                                                      starting playing carry with AM is a wrong strategy imho. He is very situational now and not typical carry (too much in and out). Go with Sven - the best easy newcomer-friendly carry ever


                                                                                        Go to watch tab in dota, type in anti-mage, and watch the laning stage of a higher mmr player (5-6k+). You will see that everyone will start with early sustain otherwise they will lose the lane hard. Or any other carry in the game really. And if the lane is really hard, send extra healing salves on the courier so you don't have to leave the lane. If I see that an enemy has no tangos or runs out of regen early during laning stage, I immediately abuse them so they are forced out of lane. That is going to happen if someone checks your items. You need understand this concept or you will never progress.


                                                                                          you will never progress.


                                                                                          Lruce Bee

                                                                                            The godfrogger, I'm well aware of what high mmr players do. But I prefer to experiment with my own solutions that often work out to be better. That doesn't mean what they do has not merit, bearing in mind that they often have supports who don't last hit, have a 2v1 lane 99% of the time, where the offlaners too scared to contest the carry's farm. Staying in lane longer with regen makes sense in that scenario as the payoff is good due to jungle nerf.


                                                                                              ^ Listen to him plox

                                                                                              Justin Weaver

                                                                                                "The godfrogger, I'm well aware of what high mmr players do. But I prefer to experiment with my own solutions that often work out to be better. That doesn't mean what they do has not merit, bearing in mind that they often have supports who don't last hit, have a 2v1 lane 99% of the time, where the offlaners too scared to contest the carry's farm. Staying in lane longer with regen makes sense in that scenario as the payoff is good due to jungle nerf." why would they buy extra regen if the offlaner is too scared to contest, so as in your situation(herald bracket) you get a 2 v2 lane where the support hero in the offlane will be constantly right clicking you. So why the fuck would you skip tangos or salves in that lane? Your arguments doesn't make any sense mate!

                                                                                                ㄚ- 天照`

                                                                                                  @HanSolo i raped people on ur tier using my brother acc and u said climbing mmr need creativity and flexibility? Rofll i can even win using ogre magi battlefury

                                                                                                  ㄚ- 天照`

                                                                                                    well, my conclusion is:
                                                                                                    some ppl really deserve to be herald

                                                                                                    I agree


                                                                                                      I like this Han guy. He's really one of a kind. Keep this shit going man. You are great at entertaining me.


                                                                                                        As a safelane melee carry, you need to master creep aggro. You need to have it as muscle memory and aggro at the correct time so the creep walks towards you and then you get the last hit at that moment, before the enemy can deny. The creep walks closer to you, thus further from the enemy and further from being denied.

                                                                                                        Also, lane equilibrium is by far one of the most early game impacting mechanics there is. The better you get at freezing the lane, the easier the farming becomes, and it becomes easier to zone the offlaner, making you even more powerful compared to him - thus more last hits. Also learn how to pull on your own. Supports won't always do it for you and sometimes they may be helping mid.

                                                                                                        It's not just about timing of the last hits, it's about everything. It's about zoning. It's about being in a good matchup. It's about aggro and trading hits on the enemy when there is a creep disparity, and punishing him for being in your lane. It's also about using your abilities when necessary - as AM you should blink to get a last hit if it's safe to do so and you would miss the last hit otherwise.

                                                                                                        I am no expert, but I do watch a lot of replays from and I play safelane carry a lot. Hope it helps.