General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR is still more important than Medal

MMR is still more important than Medal in General Discussion

    Who else with me?


      Medal doesn't mean anything. The matchmaking system still uses your mmr to match you up with other people. Hypotethically if you calibrated 5100 mmr which is divine 0 and you lost 900 mmr and dropped to the range of ancient 0 you're gonna keep getting matched with players whose mmr is within the range of that medal (which is approximately 3900-4500).

      (SMURF) 5k

        Mmr is everything medal system sucks


          No fucking shit
          U can be 3k, still divine

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            Wtf? Matchmaking is based on Medal not MMR?


              Mm depends on mmr not medal-_-