General Discussion

General DiscussionAn alternative philosophy to item builds

An alternative philosophy to item builds in General Discussion
unbreakable spirit

    ^^Or that's what you want to believe so that you can make fun of a Guy who's way lower medal than you and sympathize for his stupid item choices so that u feel good about yourself and your amazing views about the game, yeah it sure makes sense mate


      No actually thats not true i never criticized anyone if u saw the original thread Mr HanSolo was criticizing one of the Pro players of MVP as i recall because one of them opted for the Tombstone on Death talent and he said that his move was bad and stupid... a Herald was telling a professional player what to do lol even though serveral 6k+ players tried to explain to him so please dont lecture me
      Now imagine me a rookie football player teaching or telling Lionel Messi how to play football lmao
      Point said


        aaaand. . . hansolo has yet to reply to my wall of insightful text.

        and even if he was trolling, would I care? no.

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