General Discussion

General DiscussionHigh skill cap

High skill cap in General Discussion
fast car nascar

    High skill cap is a joke. Everybody is so bad, more toxicity and more russians.


      I dont know about you guys but i enjoy shemale cock daily.


        what do u expect? vhs is a joke too. people abuse mechanics to get there, but they are generally 2-3k.


          since when is 3k considered good?


            God damn cookie, top 2.7k. Nice!

            Why did you unfriend me though babe :(

            Muhammad Sumbul

              Matchmaking is fucked up. Played from a new acc got thrown in with the people in the leaderboards.Match id:3666942761.Played jugger Dced for three minutes and had my a** ra**d

              Lruce Bee

                I don't think there's realistically any difference between players. Just maybe the best and the worst.


                  Upper 2k bracket is a pain. I guess people think they do not belong there (me included), and some folks externalize that to the others (rage, toxicity, etc.).


                    But you aren't even in high skill


                      Excellent observation.

                      Friendly player

                        from my journey from 200 to 2.9k mmr i had the most pain in the sub 1k where almost every match i had to play against a smurf. 2k is easy peasy.


                          ^some tips on how to get out of 2k? I climbed from 300mmr to 2.5k and I've been hovering around 2.3-2.5 for quite a long time it's frustrating

                          I Feed GooD

                            spam LC or can get to 3k really fast.... with LC,ursa and slark.. get your keyitems like dagger or SB on slark then keep on ganking supports or kill every hero thats walking alone...keep hunting farm with heroes... tips on ursa try to get a really fast mask of death... + bassil ring you can kill rosh at lvl 5 skill build 0-2-3... you can easili gank heroes at 2k... only few players buy wards...heroes with invi can stomp a 2k game easily.. getting past 3k-4k is a problem...because the real cancer is there...2k is not a cancerous bracket its just full of players with low skills so dont give a puck... if they saw that you are stomping the game they will listen to you