General Discussion

General DiscussionPudge mid

Pudge mid in General Discussion

    I was having a talk with one of my friends that has been playing dota since the Warcraft days. He was telling me that pudge mid could comeback and potentially be good this patch. His reasoning for it was the amount of rune control he can have. If you convince a support to hand you a ward at the start of the game, you just put it on one of the rune spots, and you always know where the rune is. You can hook it and the mana cost is refunded if you do. He also mentioned the rot damage at level 10. By then rot is usually always maxed which makes it hurt quite a bit.


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      Pudge is better in the offlane as position 3.


        he is a melee hero with almost 0 armor lvl 1, there is no way he can lane against any meta ranged midlaner
        who cares abt rune control, he can do that as a pos 4 he doesnt have to be the 2 to make that happen
        literally anything he can do to influence and win the "matchup" is something he can do as a pos 4 with an actual midlaner in lane


          I used to like him 1v1 versus SF mid. Walk up lvl 1 and beat his ass out of lane. A hook is a guaranteed kill. Same against TA, refraction means nothing with rot.
          I may try to midlane pudge again soon.


            And how do you think you will lane until that lvl 10? Afk next to your tower leeching exp, watching your enemy farm and deny you every creep? Destroying your T1 right after you leave somewhere because you cant do shit there? Thats not a way to play mid so your answer is hell no...

            Instead play pos 4 roam and win all your lanes for your team and snowball from that!

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            Potato Marshal

              You can't last hit, you can't deny, you can't nuke waves, you can't hit towers, you can't harass the enemy mid, you can't deal with ganks well. What exactly are you going to do mid as pudge?


                lmao walk up and hit lvl 1 sf?
                and tank an entire wave of creeps with zero armor?
                great ideas here boish


                  You know it's possible to go after SF without aggroing creeps right? Creep aggro timings? Right clicking outside aggro range? That kinda stuff? Plus, you could itemize accordingly. Basi ring and 2 faerie fires.
                  But yeah whatever you say Washed Up, you're clearly the expert now.
                  Btw what part of "used to" don't you understand? These were before all his nerfs(MS decrease, armor, bottle nerf, pms removal) and SF's buffs(MS increase lvl 1 razes, lvl 1 necromastery extra souls, etc). It WAS workable before. Not really workable now, and I understand that quite thoroughly. Though it won't stop me from trying again soon.
                  Get off your high horse pls.


                    I mean I cud say "used to" and mean yesterday or 2012 how TF shud I know what ur talking abt
                    If u right click outside agro range and u attack him ull still draw agro
                    U say "itemize for it" and neglect a stout
                    Sure there r all these agro things but as soon as u right click sf once the creeps will hit u, and u will lose the trade

                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                      Why would you take away his strongest point which is terrorise lanes when not in vision to lane him on mid where he is very weak, and waste the farm and exp that someone else could have made better usage of?


                        pudge roaming is the best. same for sf this patch. sf early game roaming with razes is damn game impactful


                          Washed up is just hansolo part 2


                            There is no han solo part 2 .. the guy is a fookihng legend


                              Well this washed up guy is a try hard re tard


                                A lot of autism in this thread.


                                  ember unplayable mid with 1 starting armor and no pms they say, even tho he resists magic dmg can get good DoT on both enemy hero and creeps

                                  pudge has 1 starting armor, doenst buy stout shield usually, damages himself alot, doesnt get his natural magic resist before level 11

                                  sounds fun


                                    best pudge is roaming :V


                                      not good choice, Pudge cant trade hit with enemy midlaner, cant push and we can just deny the rune when pudge is going to hook it.


                                        Pudge would be good against other melee midlaners. I've been playing Dota a long time and pudge has always been good mid despite "losing" the lane. He is still viable in that position, just that tastes and preference change. Getting a fast 6 allows you to kill Anyone in the game As pudge. You can easily gank other lanes after 6 which is usually what you have to do. You can do that with roaming but that kill potential is less and u are lvl 6 at 13 mins. It's a bit of time loss but I Guess you could ward to make up for it.

                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                          The idea behind pudge roam is that he is rarely in vision and therefore he is much more scary than when he is in vision, therefore cant get any hook and being easily ganked

                                          He doesn't need too much levels, if you aren't playing solo and selfishly the fact that you only have hook is enough to make you a lethal threat, you hook into favorite position, your allies dish the damage

                                          By putting him mid, you are making him being very predictable and in vision, so the enemies doesn't have to worry constantly to get hooked, they can see him

                                          That wasn't that bif of a problem in 2012, when mid was constantly ganking, and also had almost always solo matchup
                                          But as of date, the mids are much better just farm up, and not ganking other lanes, and you either are dual/trilaning mid or gets constant ganks by a roamer/dual roamer. So mid is much more problematic lane for him than it was (as a carry, not a support, and also as a support, better roam and stay out of vision than harass)

                                          Eleonora Pons Maronese

                                            dendi pudge wannabe lul


                                              There is only one Dendi

                                              low prio master

                                                Pos 4 or 5


                                                  In low mmr he’s good. You can usually go stout and run at the enemy mid lanes. Other than that he’s best as pos 4


                                                    When I played pudge mid long time ago ,used to rekt almost every enemy mid hero and win the game.The secret behind it was I told my team to pick midlaner and made him to come mid after i reach lvl6 i.e the powerspike of pudge, then i literally can solo kill anyone in the map roaming and snowballing. It also depends upon the draft pretty much imo .