General Discussion

General Discussionis there no way to win games 20-25 min reliably in this patch

is there no way to win games 20-25 min reliably in this patch in General Discussion

    for solo mmr,i realy reaaaaaaaaaaaally reaalllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy lazy to grind,whenever i knew the game is gonna go long like 30 min+ a part of my heart broke,i want that divine 10 overnight
    pls dun bash me
    pls dun say meepo too i don want to learn that hero so lazy
    teacoach me anyone



      casual gamer

        omnis good too i guess

        jacob faggot U are my bitch

          broodmother is so good to finish game fast if no counter ..


            lycan seems really good i think,that domi and necro feels so juicy and fun to play maybe i will practice that in unranked first,my safelane sucks alot
            omni..idk tried playing him once but same result like ench,ench also more fun to play since many movement speed

            i have no idea how to play brood,my friends run down mid when i pick brood

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              omniknight, underlord


                kay,thank you thank you

                Lruce Bee

                  Am I the only one wondering when lycan is going to be nerfed? He has an absurd 56% wr in 1k


                    nobody cares about that.
                    the 62% winrate in 5k tho, thats why hes gonna be nerfed
                    it will arrive with battle pass probably


                      Like almost none of my ranked games are lasting over 35 min so like it's really not that bad.


                        The dog hero seems good at this.


                          almost all my games are 35 min, max 45, very rarely do they go otherwise
                          its not that bad
                          sf, luna, tinker, lycan, a lot of the heroes can end quickly


                            check my profiles guys, lycan luna sf dk can end game pretty fast


                              Lycan is your answer. Just had a game with full push line-up including Lycan, DK, DP, Shaman and Jakiro. Game was over at about 25.


                                but lycan is a wolf hero not a dog hero,your eyes must be bindi!

                                tried lycan for 1 party game,not as fun as i thought 29 mins,played pretty bad on it tho

                                6k animal



                                    i also have no idea how to throw chakrams and timber chains
                                    why is dis thread still alive lol


                                      Ywn is 500 rank dendi is 1300


                                        Pekinpah is 700 dnedi is 1300


                                          Brood if you have a competent team

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                            Story Time

                                              where is the stupid spammer asking for the wea? This topic has LITERALLY the word "way" in its title!


                                                Ever heard of Huskar? If you master him you can end every game under 30 min.


                                                  Brood / Lycan pretty broken due to the synergy of howl and spiderlings. Games end before 25 minutes usually. Brood just needs someone to split push from all the space they create. (Enemy team tends to flock toward brood) Lycan is perfect for that.


                                                    Luna, when done right, can end the game at 20 mins.


                                                      Why even ask when there is this wolfy boi

                                                      mlvn Fruits` and Veggies`

                                                        Shadow Shaman. Don't buy support items. Rush arcane +soul ring, avoid teamfights, just focus on pushing waves and towers. Profit

                                                        The Frog King

                                                          Smurfing is a really reliable way for me to finish games early. You should try it.