General Discussion

General DiscussionEveryone is thinking it, I'm just gonna say it.

Everyone is thinking it, I'm just gonna say it. in General Discussion

    Brood is a mid hero now, is she not?

    No invis from webs make her literally useless in offlane, she dies way too easily. Put her mid, you get the regen from the webs, and you are in a 1v1 matchup. You can dive towers using spiderlings to tank. Q early on is an insane nuke, especially against early game mid hero's like SF that start with like 580 HP or so.

    Of course the main argument against it will be against SF you can practically just win the lane for him if you mis-micro and give him free souls, but other than that it seems really good.

    I've seen some pro players (most notably Mutumba and Dendi) make it work really well, just curious what everyone else's thoughts are.


      Brood can be played in any lane as long as she's left solo for most of the time. It might not be a common practice in lower level brackets but if Brood is playing against a bad matchup in the lane she can easily swap with the offlaner/carry which will then force the enemy team to swap themselves or keep playing with unfavourable matchups.

      The good thing about brood and the reason why i think she's really strong is that even if she has to lane against a bad matchup such as Bristle/Tide/Timber (or any other hero that is impossible for her to kill solo and can blow up her spiders pretty easily) she can get a lot out of the lane because she can just cut the wave behind the tower with just a few spiderlings and farm the jungle at the same time which means she's getting more than the hero she's laning against. That is also much easier to do if you're playing her offlane as there is much more space between t1 and t2 tower compared to mid.

      If you're playing against brood then just hope that you have a hero which is capable of dealing with her alone in the lane and dont put a support with him. Supports should really only come to broods lane if they think they can get a kill on her.


        Pro tips from a divine player, much appreciated.


          Nice guy umbranox


            brood is merely an invoker or od counter, a good mid champion like storm spirit will blow her away
            but since she does even worse on off and jungle was removed from the game, technically she's a mid champ now
            untill valve fixed 1v1 bug when you can repick after seeing enemy pick, i always played brood vs invo, 100% wr


            Justin Weaver

              Is brood mid something new? I don't think so!