General Discussion

General Discussion6 month banned update

6 month banned update in General Discussion

    So its coming to this. haha.

    new rule for not getting banned :
    1. keep silent in the game, even your carry/mid/core noob/feed you shld keep silent or get reported and banned :D, some says "SILENT is GOLD"
    2. never pick some shit heroes likes techies that can make your teammates triggered because of that and get reported.
    3. solo ranked match dying, go party ranked match with friend better, the chance you will get report low when you go party ranked, and you can push the chance to 0% if you party with 4 friend of your, despite your enemies are ass hole who report you for nothing
    4. Soon or later, human who playing dota 2 will drop because so many player get banned for 6 month :D

    Justin Weaver

      Go read the patch notes again, it's not for getting reported, it's for bad behavior patterns, intentional feeding and courier feeding. You don't get banned because you get reported.


        I don't understand the meaning of excessive negative behavior. So I can't even say any negative thing that may affect other player feelings or I will be ban for 6 months.


          As part of this update, we are now automatically issuing 6 month matchmaking bans for players that show an extreme frequency of negative behavior (feeding, abandoning, player abuse, etc).

          How about that "etc" things ?


            will some pro player get banned or they are invulnerable from this?

            example : rtz(famous with his nickname of babyrage) :D


     if you want,but don't be too vulgar
              2.if you see the game is already losing anyway,stop pressing your caps lock key and ready to flame all of your teammates,it's useless you'll just get reported
              why the heck do you even want to try tt-ing them when there's nothing that can be done it just shows how toxic you are and you really deserve to get reported

              SASA POPOVIC

                So its coming to this. haha.

                new rule for not getting banned :
                1. keep silent in the game, even your carry/mid/core noob/feed you shld keep silent or get reported and banned :D, some says "SILENT is GOLD"

                Not really, 90% of people (especially in lower brackets) based reports on your game performance rather than your behavior, so silent or not you gonna get that report if they didnt liked your playstyle.

                Also cant wait to get into 3stack with friends and ban someone LUL

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  They just putting this out there that they will ban you hard if you start ruining games intentionally. Playing bad is not ruining a game on purpose and getting a report or two will not get you banned... Do you think they will ban half the players in the game for 6 months?

                  Bill Cutting

                    Even RTZ doesn’t like getting low prio he only uses his once a week abandon saw on stream

                    Bill Cutting

                      Even RTZ doesn’t like getting low prio he only uses his once a week abandon saw on stream

                      SASA POPOVIC

                        They just putting this out there that they will ban you hard if you start ruining games intentionally. Playing bad is not ruining a game on purpose and getting a report or two will not get you banned... Do you think they will ban half the players in the game for 6 months?

                        Ban is automatic fam, so if you collect enough pokemons you gonna munch it. thread lightly and avoid playing until Tuesday/Wednesday when most of the "easy on the trigger" people run out of the reports. :D

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                        < blank >

                          Its clearle stated as "EXTREME FREQUENCY OF NEGATIVE BEHAVIOUR". That means if you get reported all the time with high frequency and your conduct summary is with a red sad face all the time.

                          This change is needed since dota is well know as the most cancer community throughout whole multiplayer gaming.

                          SASA POPOVIC

                            Its clearle stated as "EXTREME FREQUENCY OF NEGATIVE BEHAVIOUR". That means if you get reported all the time with high frequency and your conduct summary is with a red sad face all the time.

                            Well in this case this change isnt gonna do anything since people with that low behaviour score are less than 5% we are all assholes but not that level of assholes, also you get 2 reports per week 99% of the time you report some guy that drafted badly and didnt turn out great (imagine) or tilted you.

                            This change is needed since dota is well know as the most cancer community throughout whole multiplayer gaming.

                            I dont think dota 2 syndrom "Nobody knows who i am on the internet LMAO" is any diferent than any other MMO/MOBA whatever, but honestly nobody flamed anyone for playing good so theres the problem. :)

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              It's for people who spend most of their time in low prio. You get banned after getting reported many times, but it takes to be an asshole consistently.

                              < blank >


                                You are talking like if you were new to the game completely. Its exactly about that, lets say - a percentile of dota community who spend too much time in Low Priority due to reports and abandons.

                                Its only your point of view. Maybe you have high behaviour score. Trust me there is a hell in the depth of dota community where players with lowest behaviour scores possbile meet. You can meet Benao there for sure. A well known forum member with 54 pages of negative comments on steam profile. Literally 54 pages.

                                I had a "pleasure" to meet him in my team 1 day and he is boarderline toxic. He makes the game a nightmare for the whole team and such people deserve to be banned forever.

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                < blank >

                                  I found Beano steam, enjoy ;D I was wrong its 47 pages of negative comments, my bad.


                                  SASA POPOVIC

                                    Well you are right my behavior score is high, simply because i dont belive that flaming on some random bob will turn him into a God of Dota and TI champion, as the matter of fact ill just get tilted myself and play worse so thats about it, huge waste of time. I was toxic as kid but i cba anymore i honestly see no point in adding more stress to my life.

                                    < blank >

                                      Sometimes its necessary to scream at people to wake them up because they play too static. Sometimes people are just in the game expecting that the game will be won itself. It looks like they are just waiting for the lose to come. Its quite common.

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                      SASA POPOVIC

                                        Tried it, didnt worked, 90% of the time they gonna start feeding on purpose just for the spite of it, bad players will play badly even if you shout on them, everyone has a bad day and bad game when your stars wont align no matter what you do, shit happens, I also have red days and games where i dont see myself winning no matter what i do and i have days where game is won by itself by oposite team drafting poorly, sometimes you will be in such team too, its just dota.

                                        < blank >

                                          On crusaders, archots etc. I know that feeling. People are easily offended and weak minded. Thats why screamin at them doesnt help to wake them up. :P But someone has to scream when everyone gets back to farming instead of pushing when u can ?

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                          Lruce Bee

                                            This is quite worrying. Myself I am sitting on F behaviour score without doing anything wrong. Maybe flaming here and there but mostly just playing the game as I would. Not intentionally feeding, but dying a lot. You are basically at the mercy of the assholes you play with who think it's right to report you because you're right. Right about the mistakes they make and naturally sets people off. People don't like it when you touch a nerve. And you'll get banned for this while doing absolutely nothing wrong. Die because of their mistakes? But if they think it's your fault, good luck. This game will soon be about impression management more than actual gameplay. It's sad really.

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                              reading this hurts me

                                              < blank >

                                                Dont be dellusional. Back in the days I was getting LP only when I was flaming everyone and feeding or playing really bad/drunk. People usually dont report you if you flame but have a high impact on the game anyway.


                                                  This is quite worrying. Myself I am sitting on F behaviour score without doing anything wrong. Maybe flaming here and there but mostly just playing the game as I would. Not intentionally feeding, but dying a lot. You are basically at the mercy of the assholes you play with who think it's right to report you because you're right. Right about the mistakes they make and naturally sets people off. People don't like it when you touch a nerve. And you'll get banned for this while doing absolutely nothing wrong. Die because of their mistakes? But if they think it's your fault, good luck. This game will soon be about impression management more than actual gameplay. It's sad really

                                                  Retard,retard,retaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard please get perma banned from dotabuff too

                                                  Lruce Bee

                                                    If you have nothing worthwhile to contribute besides nonsensical childlike name-calling, maybe the one who should be banned from dotabuff is you. You're posts are rarely within the dotabuff code of conduct it's shocking nothing has been done.


                                                      @HanSolo spam turbo till you have normal behavior score.
                                                      I'm looking forward this change. I mean next 2 weeks people who still able to play ranked will be filtered already. Hope so.


                                                        I already explained this in another post, but the 6 month ban thing is ONLY for players who are already sitting at a behavior score and continue to get reported.
                                                        It basically just serves as a punishment past just having an F score.
                                                        So yes you can continue to be toxic and feed games every now and then. Just do it in a way that does not drop your behavior score and you are good to go.


                                                          i trashtalked a bit on one of my smurfs (approx 3-6 matches), not too vulgar but team was absolutely shit so i was like wtf is this team, fucking delete dota and all that shit, my behaviour score is still Normal after 12 reports (in 25 games). How tf do you get an F


                                                            I was reported 7 times in 10 games. I had 0 commends, and I recently rage abandoned once, and an internet problem caused a second abandon.
                                                            I'm still normal BS.
                                                            How the actual fuck, does anyone get C, D... HOW DOES ANYONE GET AN F


                                                              SO THEY LOSE THE FUCKING GAME

                                                              THEY SCREW MY MMR

                                                              AND IIII GET REPORTED AND BAN


                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                Yeah u know its like democracy its FUCKING STUPID if the people in charge (basicly everyone including Slavs,Iranians,Turks) are fucking stupid


                                                                  These your rules works only for retards like you who is been getting reports constantly.For humans nothing change we are on zero reports every summary.


                                                                    "For humans" FOR HUMANS .To be frank ur Guardian 3 talk to us about humans .

                                                                    Cheesy Wenis

                                                                      If you have an F behavior score it's your own fault. It's not because your teammates are jerks, in much the same way that your pattern of losing is entirely on your own shoulders.

                                                                      Quit blaming others for your own shortcomings. Just be a better person.


                                                                        Has anyone here recieved a 6mo ban? I mean there's some toxicity available but maybe not that bad?

                                                                        chicken spook,,,,



                                                                            it'll probably take at least a week before anyone gets banned. A six month ban is not something you do lightly. This is for people that are constantly in and out of low priority and are getting reported pretty much every game. You honestly have to be seriously toxic to get a six month ban, I mean they give you a fucking warning that you're toeing the line of a ban. If you're warned that you're about to get banned and proceed to continue the behavior that's about to get you banned then you completely deserve the ban.

                                                                            GRANT MACDONALD

                                                                              picking jungle LC in 2018 ought to earn a 6 month ban on its own anyways.


                                                                                If you don't have a RED SAD FACE on your profile you need not worry. You are not going to be the target of such a ban even if you occasionally get a few reports or get into a LP round cause your internet sux and got some abandons. But if you get to that RED SAD FACE then you can get THE BAN. But you can try and be a positive reinforcement player to get rid of that RED SAD FACE.


                                                                                  How many reports we need to banned ?

                                                                                  Dummy (1st)

                                                                                    Cancer people will always playing dota 2 with us. Just adjust, they have no life outside dota, we need to understand.

                                                                                    주 롄양

                                                                                      "extreme frequency" alrd explain a lot


                                                                                        some people are already complaining about their 6month bans on reddit

                                                                                        Cheesy Wenis

                                                                                          Good. Hope it gets extended to 12 month bans.

                                                                                          Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers

                                                                                            Can the fucking whiny bitches stop being whiny? If you're an asshole an get the 6 month hammer, deal with it. Create a smurf, go get banned again for being a douchebag. Accept the terms that come with being a fucking piece of shit.


                                                                                              Does the ban apply to steam account for dota?

                                                                                              Palmen aus Plastik

                                                                                                it's just like real life. Do you talk shit to new people you meet at work/play on an everyday basis? Try shit-talking someone in a football club or a basketball club and see how people react to you. If you're not allowed to do that there, it only makes sense dota doesn't stand for unmannered children either. Learn to be polite or have your account suspended. They deserve lifetime bans, six months is too little for intentional feeders and half the pinoy populace.


                                                                                                  Where do,u check the behavior score ranking?

                                                                                                  Tremolo Soul

                                                                                                    I'm 100% going to be banned for 6 months. When my team is losing, I'm never silent. I talk until the Ancient is at 0% hp. I do not lose silently because I only play to win. So because of that, my personality and my playing style, I'm not going to be victim of some piece of shit because I hurt his feelings?

                                                                                                    Fuck you, Dota.


                                                                                                      ^ learn to shut ur hole kid

