General Discussion

General DiscussionTB Item Builds Question

TB Item Builds Question in General Discussion

    Is it ever worth it to skip treads on TB and go straight into an item like Yasha or Drums? I see it pretty often in my games, but I feel like treads after Aquila are core on pretty much any illusion hero because of the stats.

    Is it something more game-specific? I'm just struggling to see the value in skipping treads all together.

    Also when is it better to go Dragon Lance into Yasha or Yasha first? I'm assuming that if you buy Pike then you go Lance into Manta; and if you need to tank up first and foremost then you go Lance first?

    Just trying to expand my TB builds because almost every game is Treads>Aquila/Wand>Lance>Manta for me.

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      Treads provide decent stats and relatively cheap, i think not



        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          dont skip treads for fucking drums lmao. get yasha if you dont need hp that badly. its much better for farming.

          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

            i don't see why. those are great cheap stats

            drums also gives stats, and is more costly
            so why would you skip the more efficient item if you anyways going to get it after the lesser one?


              Treads is more dps than lance fyi
              U go drums if ur fighting early
              Lance if u wanna bulk up
              Yasha is otherwise more efficient for farming
              None of these should come before treads tho

              casual gamer

                so what ur thinking WAS good. before attack speed affected illusions

                now treads are too good, even if u are gonna rush travel after yasha u still buy treads imo


                  build: wands, pt, drums, dragon lance, yasha+manta/bkb, gives a possibility to finish the game until min 25. and dont afk farm on tb, try to realize terraform on cd, unless you need to farm a little until next slot.

                  BUILT DEFICIENT

                    Thanks for the replies guys. Also, for clarification, I’m not the one who skips treads, I’ve just seen it in a few of my games from enemies so was wondering if it had any merit to it.

                    Lruce Bee

                      i would say stop building lance every game. udont need it everygame. u need it less than you think.


                        ^lance is good when u want to bulk up but also if u need it to outrange people
                        its also good to get if u need pike that game
                        however of all the items u can get
                        never skip yasha
                        yasha will always be on terrorblade, whether it goes yasha into manta or even into sny or maybe even into a greedier item

                        Lruce Bee

                          there are so few scenarios for TB where you need extra range. or pike.

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            usual "why upgrade boots if u sell them for bot later lol" trench mindset, no need to worry about them


                              Let's think of common scenarios where u want Pike
                              Against close range melee opponents to kite them, and impassable terrain, like against tusk
                              Also against Riki
                              Or even against razor
                              There r a lot of scenarios where Pike is pretty good


                                Idk why people build Battle Fury on TB.


                                  ^ last time i checked people can buy BF on any melee core and win

                                  #1 Philippine player

                                    you should go for yasha first, it gives you movespeed which is a good substitute for not getting treads. it also gives damage and very cost efficient. also fast farm.


                                      Treads are too good now with tread switching

                                      Also i get pike every game on TB i think its definitely worth


                                        I get dragon lance if it’s a free lane and I can seige first tower uncontested


                                          You see it in your games because people in 2K MMR don't realize the potential and value of treads, when properly used(aka tread switching). So they skip treads. Don't worry, I see people in low 3K(archon 5-legend 1) who also don't.

                                          Lruce Bee

                                            I'm surprised you win on tb getting pike honestly

                                            Lruce Bee

                                              So every time I'm against Riki and tusk I should build pike, even if my hero doesn't need it? Guess I'll get pike on melee heroes too. L U L


                                                You mean just like when u said ur building pyke on CK for the stats?


                                                  im surprised you think you even know whats good for tb honestly


                                                    If you don't understand why pike tb is good you haven't played enough tb.

                                                    Story Time

                                                      he is obviously trolling, why are you guys so stupid to respond to trolling?


                                                        i never ever buy treads unless i have a very bad start


                                                          pike is all good but don't be the guy that goes dragon lance first lol,yasha is waay better for farming
                                                          unless you want to push a t2/t3 early


                                                            Yasha is better for farming but u have like 700 hp and can easily did to like 3 nukes or a single stun lock
                                                            If u need the hp it's not bad to go lance first, tb's items are not set in stone like that

                                                            Lruce Bee

                                                              9/10 games u just get manta and skadi at a fast timing and the games already over. I don't think you guys understand this hero at all. Dragon lance and pike is such a waste when you'll need manta and skadi anyway.


                                                                if you think manta and skadi are must get you dont understand the hero at all

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  if you think manta and skadi are must get you dont understand the hero at all

                                                                  what is your opinion on sny on luna

                                                                  i got it a few times when i had a hard time and was very satisfied but ive barely seen anyone ever get it on the hero despite the fact that shes very similar in style to heroes that get sny constantly(most prominently gyro, also sven and tiny to an extent)


                                                                    i think its fine, i get it sometimes too