General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat’s your opinion on this

What’s your opinion on this in General Discussion
juneteenth enjoyer

    So basically I want to ask what’s your opinion on this shot that is driving me worried and insane.,., how in the world can u be <3k with over 3k matches this is insane, i queue for a game that takes a lot of times (8 min :v) to get crusader and archon players with over 3k matches that don’t have a single idea what they are doing and I have 600 matches and have more mmr I don’t get it... many pros say that they key of getting better is playing a lot and often but i don’t see what’s going on

    Justin Weaver

      469 ranked matches with less than 50 percentage win rate, sure dude the system will know where to put you in the next season!


        why ? because they deserve it . Never learn and always repeating the same mistake , and you too . If you really think you are too good at this bracket , then your winrate should be more than 50% to rank up , It's not about the amount of matches ,it's all about the game mechanics.


          wtf is wrong with you? this is your smurf account and somehow you managed to get to archon but you are still so bad and you have 49 winrate... go to your real acc and than talk smack.. im sure you are not playing 8 months dota

          Story Time

            spanki can i add you? I also play late at night :D

            Cheesy Wenis

              Most players are <3k, so your odds of running into them are pretty high actually.

              Is this a bad attempt at subtle bragging?


                Most people tend to play on and off, and more casual.



                  Lruce Bee

                    Game is not easy. Game is skill based. Meaning there's a distribution of players. Meaning not everyone's gonna get legend if they play thousands of games. Everyone has a skill ceiling. Of course there are multiple factors that can determine skill ceiling. But In Essence, you can be stuck in archon after 3000 games. It's possible.

                    casual gamer

                      i have more mstches than mmr counting alt accounts


                        That's actually my self-set limit. If I ever reach a higher amount of games than my MMR(currently flat 3K), I stop Dota.
                        I'll change it to higher number of RANKED games though, because I've played 60% of my games in unranked, and of the ranked, several were party ranked as well(aka trolling)

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          wow talented next ti winner!!