General Discussion

General DiscussionWinning streaks -> Losing streaks

Winning streaks -> Losing streaks in General Discussion
Pubic Enemy

    I feel like everytime I go on a nice winning streak at some point Dota decides to put me on shitty teams leading to long losing streaks, I just want out of 2k ;(

    Lruce Bee



        Ok. Another my team is holding me back shitpost. Accept the fact you're not good.

        Pubic Enemy

          Nvm, whats the earliest Ursa can Rosh in this patch. What’s items, what levels and such?


            0 min. items 6 iron branch. level 1.


              My bracket is so fucking hard. I managed to +25 every single day.

              I know Valve will doing this when I got winning streak.


                Same, after every winning streak i get losing streak and my gameplay is really the same i dont play better on winning streaks and i dont play worse on losing streaks, i really do same shit everytime, but sometimes i have chance to push with teammates sometimes they are more interesting in farming jungle.

                I still didnt comprehended magical skill to persuade people that taking towers is more important than farming those jungle camps, i even tried playing some tower taking hero for those situations but it doesnt work since they try to stop me every time. Dota is weird and totally different game in sub 4k bracket i swear!

                Cancer Malaria

                  Avoid continue playing after 2 straight lose, thats the only way to avoid tilting and continuing the lose. And never play solo Q during weekends. Just NEVER.

                  Lruce Bee

                    You can do it as soon as you have mask. Like probably lvl 6