General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed help! Again!

Need help! Again! in General Discussion

    check my last 3 matches... i cant say anything more.

    Lruce Bee

      At your bracket, there's really no need to specifically analyse what went wrong, for a specific game you lost. Really the things you need to improve applies even for the games you won and Think you did well.

      There's basically so much for improvement because you do basically almost everything wrong.

      I'd suggest learning about laning and how to last hit properly for a start.


        maybe dont play the farm game as jugger when you have a sven in your team... dont stick to "item build or item order a" every game is different and you have to adapt. sven has a cleave and needs the farm to get his critical mass. jugg on the other hand can have phase, stick+drums/aquila (maybe both) and go fight with the team


          your drafting wasn't great

          Story Time

            When I was younger, so much younger than today,
            I never needed anybody's help in any way.
            But now these days are gone, I'm not so self assured,
            Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors.

            Potato Marshal

              You have an irrational hard-on for shadow blade, but still won't upgrade to silver edge against a PA and BB.


                bro bro bro(sis as well) i ll tell u what happened
                BS match: --
                pick 10:-
                bro pick a tank pls ill handle courier and wards
                hah ! i ll supp and carry natures prophet

                when i would be about to last hit he will agro all the creeps to him leaving me with necro and am leaching my green and blue bars

                AFTER HARD EARNED LVL 6
                i ult AM ... he tries to tp i was about to kill him when np comes and saves him by using sprout

                np reason: i was trying to cancel the tp
                me: using ur trees??
                np: yes noob but he escapd

                MID MASTER IN MID GAME
                sir outjoker: ult necro i ll sunstrike
                me: ok
                ults ... uses rage .. uses rite gives hits and dies
                sir outstandingvoker: sry i was farming do again

                JUGGY match: --i admit i fed a lot early but....

                sir pango : ha i will use swashbuckle at first creep meeting such that i ll land behind them like riki

                oooo 3 heroes incoming.. i ll swashbuckle the air in between them

                oooo a fight in mid .. w8 let me tp....reaching almost... oh w8 i should first ult in the base (pingolier style)

                LATE GAME

                sir seven : 7 times dc in 2 minutes
                sven has dc from game
                sven has rc
                necrophos has dc from game
                sven has dc
                necro rc
                necro dc
                sven rc
                sven rc again
                necro rc
                sven dc
                necro dc


                ... LIFE GOES ON LIKE THIS

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  how can i go silver edge when pa had made bkb deso xyzabc... and i am dying to get the eul.
                  here am making yasha out of natures prophet

                  Lruce Bee

                    ^everyone goes through that trench bracket and it's really hard to climb. but slowly if you climb, with luck you will slowly get better teammates who enable you to play better. then you never have to see those teammates again!


                      hope one day i get featured in wtf moments

                      Lruce Bee

                        here am making yasha out of natures prophet

                        what do you mean sir?


                          np going to kill am gets killed and gives nice gold( he had made bf by that time so would be going manta)

                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                            dude your English is very hard to decipher


                              sry its the effect of having to learn a whole shakbespheare's play for exams along with 20 other stories and poem... i figured the speeches of dota heroes / lore is quite similar to that of shakespheare's language

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                You need to unlearn what you know, and relearn Dota.


                                  there is a factor called time

                                  a god among feeders

                                    do like me


                                      how much frustrated or angry i get... i cant get myself to feed purposely... i am to COWARD to do so

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                      Lruce Bee

                                        its not necessary to relearn dota. you just need to be creative and not always follow pros.


                                          Go try make new account and see if you could get higher mmr than the current ones... But if later you stikk have the same match experiences well, you belongs in the bracket




                                              i dont like smurfing and i think it needs 100 matches to calibrate... cant afford time if would not be useful


                                                Ye but 100 matches still more fewer than you trying to climbing out fron your trench i think


                                                  i played so hard on this account... i cant leave it like anything(sobbing)


                                                    Try to playing many heroes beside AM or windranger, it will helps you about the game mechanical. Also improve your awareness cause what i see about under 2k bracket is the players didnt have good map sense, try to checking minimap everytime, tp when your teammates need help and it possible to get kills from the clash


                                                      I am not that far above you either, medal-wise. But....

                                                      Last three games
                                                      3780100100 as Windranger
                                                      Are you start with boots or something? Where is null talisman? No wand/ stick against PA and Jakiro? 11 mins phase and blight stone without starting item like null and wand? Really?
                                                      And you go shadow blade + javelin instead of blink + maelstorm (or at least a mithril hammer), idk what to say

                                                      3780143946 as Juggernaut
                                                      Again, no wand and aquila against skill spammer such as LC. 8 minutes phase into 22 mins BF, you'll be more useful if that BF was aquila + wand instead. Also far cheaper

                                                      3780452567 as Bloodseeker
                                                      What the fuck are eul doing there

                                                      I suspect that you aim big item way too early and undervaluing cheap item too much. Wand and/or either bracer null or wraith band are so good early, they give nice stat with cheap price to help you get the big item easier

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                        Watch guide in youtube. 1k players are bad at every aspect of the game tbh, from drafting, last hitting, farming etc.


                                                          Quit game. If you have no legs you can't play football. No brain, no dota.


                                                            how you describe that is actually funny,thanks for making me laugh

                                                            anyway,find a hero you like and just watch replays from high ppl players on dotabuff/guides section. they help alot


                                                              He does not want to watch better player's replays and copy it, because "in guardian-rank other things are more likely to work. We can't judge that, because we do not know how playing there is."


                                                              This a stupid statement (that he made in the other topic), that he himself proves to be wrong, since he does things "the other way" and it clearly does not work, because he plays in kind of the lowest potatobracket in dota, and stays there pretty static.


                                                              He can't climb out of that. I could play with my left hand and still climb out of that and I am not even close to be a good dotaplayer.


                                                              He is a retard and wants to stay one forever.

                                                              Best way to describe his underlying problem:


                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                I'm surprised your English is that bad, considering you're studying ICSE board/ISC? @OP


                                                                  who says my english is good?
                                                                  its more twisted than just being bad

                                                                  and i figured out i was playing without a mouse pad for 3 months


                                                                    ^How did you manage to figure that out all of a sudden?

                                                                    Lruce Bee

                                                                      Who needs mouse pads rofl


                                                                        coz HanYolo plays with touchpad ?


                                                                          i dont use dotabuff forums much but what do u do all the time hanyolo? u have another account?

                                                                          Lruce Bee

                                                                            I do indeed play with a touch pad. It's not that different tbh


                                                                              can you play a dota on tablet?

                                                                              Lruce Bee

                                                                                I don't think so


                                                                                  tips on my last match as pango?

                                                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                                                    I have no idea why you bought a manta, literally the only thing you could've dispelled with manta in that match were gush and caustic finale.

                                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                                      I can't tell if you're another HanSolo type troll. You have no damage items for the first 25 minutes, and decide to build a battle fury by the 32 minute mark? Like you honestly don't have to ask anyone for advice in order to improve. Even stupid meme builds like 3+ javelins makes more sense and will get you better results.


                                                                                        constantly ganked by huskar and co , i needed defense items more so went bm
                                                                                        and i thought swashbuckle has a fixed damage and with shield crash enough to kill a wave of creeps... ofc no need of bf early, but late game i realized there would be mega creeps so i built it
                                                                                        and manta is to open before i get targeted by their single target abilities( maybe bkb would have been bttr)

                                                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                                                          Terrible nonsense reasoning. How are you going to kill mega creeps with a battle fury and 0 items that help your cleave? What are you going to do by using manta before fights? Stand still and hope they throw their disables on an illusion while you stand perfectly still?


                                                                                            gets jumped by huskar and wants blademail...dude halberd!

                                                                                            69 god

                                                                                              I could give you few tips after watching matches. WhatsApp me if ydm, +91 84607 23843


                                                                                                halberd for sk ult?
                                                                                                i get it i was trash but it didnt get in my mind to buy something other than manta

                                                                                                Muhammad Sumbul

                                                                                                  Play practice matches more in lobby.Keep unfair bots with scripts for opponents and easy default bots for your team.You need to practice a lot.
                                                                                                  BEsides that dude I am also a crusader rank (Crusader 2 )but i always get matched in high skill and occasional VHS.


                                                                                                    play more get better, try creating a new account that might helps if you truly think you are a little better than your bracket. Also watch youtube tutorial, those should be great for beginner you can learn a lot from them.

                                                                                                    Lruce Bee

                                                                                                      Potato obviously doesn't know that manta is one of the biggest counters for huskar ult.


                                                                                                        match 3789220171 abaddon

                                                                                                        suddenly dire became strong and came back as hell

                                                                                                        i was capt , i picked based on siggestions and my own reasoning as well

                                                                                                        so can anybody rectify the mistakes made in the match?